Welcome to Keegan Books Blog

Official blog of Jan Keegan, Author of Keegan Books

Keegan Books

As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


August 13, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this blog whose purpose is to teach the follower how to learn and know the Bible. A few weeks away was needed due to a disorganization of the series of blogs written over the past several months. Since these blogs are referred to during the writings of each blog, it was important to have the company that oversees the website reorganize the blogs. This allowed followers to be able to look up important material in previous blogs to help in reinforcing the information that helps in learning the Bible. The last blog was written on July 23rd, giving instructions that allowed the follower to focus on the series on learning the Bible. Go to the April 23rd blog and progress through the July 16 blog to restudy on how to learn the Bible. This is an important Bible Study series that will help the follower to learn and know the Bible. Another series was started in the July 23rd blog on learning about important people and events that are written about in the Bible. Following this series will help the follower to become familiar with several important people and events. Being able to know where to look for different people and events will broaden the follower’s knowledge. Also, as one progresses in reading the Bible, many references about people and events can be found in different books of the Bible that can be led back to the original writings about the person or event. This series started in the book of Genesis. Bible verses listed on the creation and Adam and Eve are found in Genesis, chapters 1-4.; and on the flood with Noah and the Ark., Genesis, chapters 6 through 9. This week, the study will begin on Abraham and his family. Because the writings on Abraham and his family begin in Genesis, chapter 12 and go through Genesis, chapter 50, the study will last for 2 or more weeks. This week’s study will begin in Genesis 12 and go through chapter 24. Try to read 2-3chapters a day. Focus on the names of people Abraham dealt with during his life, including his wife, his children, his nephew and others. Picture how he lived, where he lived, and the power that he had. Remember that Abraham has been called the Father of Faith. The writings about God in these passages of scripture written about Abraham’s life are some of the first verses about God in the Bible. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!

Posted 79 weeks ago


July 23, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for continuing to follow this blog. The purpose of this blog is to help those who want to learn and know the Bible. Blogs have been designated over the years under specific study titles to provide a broad spectrum of knowledge about the Bible.                                                                                                       The last series of blogs were written on how to “Learn To Use and Study The Bible.” The series started on April 23 and went through July 16. To further contemplate and study this series, return to the blogs listed on Tumblr by clicking on the book, “As Christ Is My Example” to the upper left of this blog.                                                      Our next series of blogs will focus on different people and events that are written about in the Bible. Advancing in the study of the Bible by reading about people and events of the Bible, will help to understand what God wanted his followers to learn through reading and studying the Bible. The Bible is God’s Holy Word to its followers as written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16 and 17. In these verses is written as follows: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.“                                                                                                    This series will start in the book of Genesis where some important people and events are written about.  The creation of the world is written including the story of Adam and Eve, and can be found In Genesis, chapter 1 through chapter 3. Spend some time reading and thinking about this passage of Bible verses. The story of Noah and the Ark can be found in Genesis, chapters 6 through 9. Again, this is an important event with an important person written about for followers of the Bible to learn and know about. As progression is made through the Bible, the follower will know the location in the Bible to look if further study is needed of these people and events.     Next week our study will begin on the life of Abraham, often referred to as the Father, Abraham. A few favorite Bible verses will be listed for the follower to search and read as time allows during Bible Study this week.                                                                                                                         “ MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK”                       BIBLE VERSES: Psalm, chapter 23, verses 1 -6; Psalm, chapter 100, verses 1-5; Joshua, chapter 1, verses 6-9; Deuteronomsy, chapter 6, verses 4-9; Matthew, chapter 22, verses 34-40; Matthew, chapter 25, verses 34-40; 1st Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1-13. Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 12; Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10-17.

Posted 82 weeks ago

Knowing Your Bible

JULY 16, 2023: Dear Friends, Today’s blog is the last blog in the series of learning the Bible by studying the organization and location of the Bible books, and learning how the Bible books are related to each other. Knowledge of this information helps in learning and knowing how to search for and find the Bible book that is being searched for to read, and understanding how the different books of the Bible are related to each other. Learning and knowing the Bible is the primary goal of the teaching of the Bible on this blog and is first and foremost in helping the follower to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

The dates and focus of the various blogs written in this series will be listed below for the follower to go back to restudy and think on the information provided.         April 16, 2023: Organization of how the books are placed in the Old Testament and the New Testament.  April 23, 2023: Learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible.     May 1, 2023: Listing of the Old Testament and New Testament Bible books in the organization of the Bible books.       May 7, 2023: the approximate timeline of when the Bible books were written or when the events occurred that were written about in a specific Bible book.  The blogs mentioned above help one in learning to search for and read specific Bible verses.      May 14, 2003, May 21, 2023, May 28, 2023 and June 4, 2023, blogs are each focused on how the Bible books are related by geographic sites written in the Bible.    June11, 2023, June 21, 2023, June 25, 2023, and July 2, 2023 blogs all focus on specific words or ideas that transverse through several Bible books, allowing the follower to begin to realize that God is trying to teach certain words and ideas to the readers of the Bible.

The blogs can be found by continuing below to these blogs that can be found here on Tumblr.com. Spend time this week in reviewing each of these blogs, refreshing memory and provoking thinking, as one is trying to learn and know the Bible. Bible verses will not be listed in today’s blog due to the encouragement of reviewing these specific blogs this week.

Our next series will begin next week and will focus on important Bible stories that provide knowledge and understanding in learning and knowing the Bible. d The wisdom and knowledge so gained through Bible reading and studying will be with the follower all the days of his or her life.                                                                      MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK

Posted 83 weeks ago


July 2, 2023: Dear Friends, We are continuing our series on learning specific information that will help in studying and understanding the Bible. Refer to last week’s blog that outlines specific subjects and subject matter that will enhance understanding in learning the Bible. We are currently on the subject matter of learning how certain words and ideas transverse throughout the Bible allowing us to comprehend what God is trying to teach to each one who is reading and studying the Bible.                                                                                        In the past few weeks the focus has been on words and ideas that are found in several Bible books. To review the past few blogs, go to keeganbooks.com and locate the blog section. One should be able to review the past few blogs. The words and ideas that are written about in each blog have Bible verses that are found in the different Bible books that help to realize that God has special words and ideas that he is wanting the reader of the Bible to learn and to put in place for contemplation when learning about the meanings and purposes of the Bible.                                                                                                           In this week’s blog, the words and ideas that will be followed and read are THE WORD OF GOD and KNOWLEDGE. Look up the accompanying Bible verses to help in understanding that the words and ideas are important in recognizing that God wants the reader to learn and know the Bible.                                                                                              MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                   WORDS AND IDEAS:     THE WORD OF GOD: Refers to the Holy Bible: The chapter 119 in the book of Psalm is the longest book in the Bible with 178 verses that are about the Bible. Divide the chapter into 40 verses a day. and read for 5 days to complete the chapter. Other verses about the Bible can be found throughout the Bible: 2nd Kings, chapter 22, verses 8-13; Nehemiah,, chapter 8, verses 1-12; Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10-17; 2nd Timonthy, chapter 3, verses 16-17; Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 12.         KNOWLEDGE: Job, chapter 28, verse 28; Job, chapter 42, verses 1-6: Proverbs, chapter 1, verses 2-7; Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 15; Ecclesiastes. chapter 2, verse 26; and chapter 3, verses 3-8.                                                                            This author has written a book, “As Christ Is My Example.”  The book is a 31 -day devotional book that will follow Christ throughout his life on earth.. A teaching guide is in the book for those who might want to teach others about Christ. Go to keeganbooks.com to review the book. The book can also be followed on facebook at https//www.facebook.com/BooksByJanKeegan 

Posted 85 weeks ago


June 25, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this weekly blog on learning and knowing the Bible. As has been written many times, the Bible, being God’s Holy Word to its readers, is the most important book ever written. In 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verse 16 is written, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”                                            A brief summary of the history of the writing of the Bible through the ages is as follows: St.Jerome is credited with copying the Bible into Latin from the Greek version and compiling the books into the Bible in the 400′s AD. The Greek version had been copied from the original Bible scrolls that were written by the authors of events that occurred starting in the 1800′s BCE through the 120′s AD. All timeframes are approximate.                                                                                               Once the Bible had been translated into Latin, the fame of the Bible begin to spread throughout the world. In the 1600′s AD, King James of England had the Bible translated into English. This important happening again helped the Word of God to spread throughout the World.                                                                                                     Another important happening that has taken place in the past several decades has been that several different versions of the Bible have been written. For the follower of this blog, there may be needed advice when selecting a Bible to purchase for one’s own use. This help may come from a church leader, such as a Pastor or class teacher. Also consider using a Bible Store clerk or other employee for advice is selecting a Bible.                                                                                In this week’s discussion, we will continue in our series on learning the Bible. This series started on April 23. Discussion on learning the names and locations of the Bible books, how to look for and search for Bible verses, learning the timeline of when either a specific Bible book was written or when the events that were written in a specific Bible book occurred, and focusing on how the books of the Bible are related, have been the primary topics in this series.                            Over the past 6 weeks, the focus has been on how the books of the Bible are related. The books can be related through the various geographic sites that are found in the Bible. Another way the books of the Bible can be related is through words and ideas that transverse through the many Bible books.  To review these blogs, go to the May 14th blog and advance slowly, studying and contemplating on what has been written.                                                                                             The focus of this blog will continue on words and ideas that help in the realizaton of how and what God wanted to be taught through reading the Bible, that is, what God wanted each reader to learn through reading and studying the Bible. Verses with words and ideas will be listed below. All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NSR) Version of the Bible.                                                                             May God Bless Your Bible Study This Week!                               WORDS AND IDEAS      PRAYER: Matthew, chapter 6, verses 5-22; Mark, chapter 1, verse 35; Jacob’s Prayer: Genesis, chapter 32, verses 22-32; David’s Prayer: 2nd Samuel, chapter 7, verses 18-29; Solomon’s Prayer: 2nd Chronicles, chapter 6, verses 6-22; Jesus’ prayer: Matthew, chapter 6, verses 9-15;Colossians, chapter 1, verses 9-10.       THE WILL OF GOD:  Matthew, chapter 6, verses 7-13; Ephesians, chapter 5, verses 15-20. 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 3, verses 12-13.  Hebrews, chapter 13, verses 20-21.

Posted 86 weeks ago


June 21, 2023: Dear Friends, The blog has been delayed this week due to weather damage in the area causing a lack of assess to the internet. To be able to have a blog, a friend generously offered internet services for today. Thank God for good friends! Thank God for watching over our safety and guidance as we proceed forward with this series.                                                                                              The purpose of this series is to provide information that will help the follower gain knowledge and greater understanding of how the books of the Bible are related and connected to each other. During this process of learning, confidence in oneself will increase, producing the necessary interest of wanting to learn and know the Bible.               The Bible is God’s Holy Word to it’s readers. God inspired the writings of each of the authors of the books of the Bible as written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16 and 17. Because the books were written by several different writers over a several- hundred-year timeframe, a new follower that is trying to understand the Bible, may become confused and disinterested when trying to progress in learning the Bible. Some may even turn away from trying to learn the Bible.                                                                                                                    Go to previous blogs written in the last few weeks to review the information written on other ways the books of the Bible are related to each other. Review the blogs in this series several times to reinforce the learning that is taking place in “Knowing Your Bible.”        Bible verses will be listed for certain words and ideas that transverse through many books of the Bible to revile to the follower what God is trying to convey through the words of the Bible.                                                     MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                 WORDS:    FAITH: Habakkuk, chapter 2, verses 2-4; Matthew, chapter 22, verses 34-40; Lamentations, chapter 3, verses 22-29, John, chapter 3, verse 16; John, chapter 13, verse 1; 1st John, chapter 4, verses 16-19.   RIGHTEOUSNESS: Job, chapter 1, verse 1, and chapter 9, verses 9-10;  Proverbs, chapter 4, verse 18; Luke chapter 1, verse 75; 1st Peter, chapter 3, verses 10-12.     WISDOM; Job, chapter 28, verse 28; 2nd Chronicles, chapter 9, verses 1-8; Proverbs, chapter 2, verses 1-11; Matthew, chapter 7, verses 24-27; Matthew, chapter 12, verse 42; 1st Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 22-25.

Posted 87 weeks ago


June 11, 2023: Dear Friends, Today, we will continue our series on learning the Bible on how the books of the Bible are related. Over the past few weeks, discussions have been held on relating the books of the Bible through the many different geographic sites that are written about in the Bible. In the next few weeks, the focus will be on words and ideas that transverse throughout the Bible books that disclose what God is trying to teach to the readers of the Bible. 

The Bible is God’s Holy Word to its readers as written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-17: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful in teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.” There are certain words and ideas that are commonly found in many of the Bible books, that help relate some of the themes and ideas that are written about that God is trying to convey to all who are reading and studying the Bible. As progression is being made in learning the Bible, the reader will begin to recognize that similar ideas and words are found in several books that allow the reader to realize a relationship among the books of the Bible. 

For the next several weeks a few words found in several of the books of the Bible will be listed for the reader to search for and read. Keep in mind the above verses with God inspiring all scripture and his desire for the reader to learn what God is trying to teach to the reader of the Bible. 

              MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                            All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard Version (NSR) of the Bible.  BIBLE WORDS AND IDEAS:  LOVE; Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verses 5-9: Matthew, chapter 22, verses 34-39; John, chapter 3, verse 16; 1st Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1-13; 1st John, chapter 4, verse 16 ;Colossians, chapter 4, verse 14.       STRENGTH: Joshua, chapter 1, verses 6-7; Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 16,  and chapter 6, verses 10-17: Matthew, chapter 10, verses 19-20; Romans, chapter 13, verses 8-10;       OBEDIENCE:  Jeremaiah, chapter 7, verse 23; Job, chapter 22, verses 21-28; Matthew, chapter 25, verses 14-28, John, chapter 20, verse 22; Isaiah, chapter 30, verse 21;     PEACE: John, chapter 16, verse 33; Colossians, chapter 3, verse 14; Galatians, chapter 5, verse 22; and Philippians, chapter 4, verse 7.

Posted 88 weeks ago


June 4, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog that was established to help in learning and knowing the Bible. The Bible is God’s Holy Word to its readers. Newcomers to Bible study often become confused in trying to understand the Bible. The series we are in at this time has presented topics that will help in learning and understanding the Bible. The list of topics that have been discussed and taught are as follows: Learning the names and locations of the Bible books, learning how the Bible books are organized, learning how to search for and read specific Bible verses; the timeline on when the books of the Bible or the events that are written occurred and learning how the books of the Bible are related to each other. This series beganApril Go to keeganbooks. com to review and study the blogs in this series  Each topic that has been discussed was very important in the program to learn the Bible. Spend some time on each blog several times a week to help in learning the Bible.                   At this time, the topic is on relating the books of the Bible through different geographic sites that are written throughout the Bible. This author has suggested that knowing the timeline of when the Book that is being read from adds perspective and interest to what is being taught. An example using both the timeline and the geographic site together is as follows. Take the site Bethlehem. Bethlehem was first written about in the book of Genesis, in chapter 36, verse 18. in approx.1800 to 1700 BCE. Then find Bethlehem mentioned several times in the book of Ruth. The happenings in Ruth occurred approximately in the ll25 BCE time frame. So approx.600 to 700 years had past from when the events in Genesis and Ruth occurred. The timeline is listed in the previous blogs written above.                       The focus tonight will continue to be on how the books of the Bible are related through geographic sites. So far the sites of the Sea of Galilee, Jericho, Bethlehem, Mount Moriah, and Jerusalem have been listed with Bible verses to help find the site. The sites of this blog will be the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, and The Great Sea (The Mediiterranean Sea

This will be the last blog on the geographic sites. Next week, the topic of words and ideas that help relate the books together will be discussed.                                                                                                                  MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                                                    Geographic Sites: THE JORDAN RIVER: Numbers, chapter 34, verses 10-12. Joshua, chapter 3, vereses 14-17 and chapter 4, verse 1; Mark, chapter 1, verses 4-9.        THE DEAD SEA: Genesis, chapter 19, verses 18-23; Numbers. chapter 34, verse 12; Joshua, chapter 3, verse 16.      THE GREAT SEA, (MEDITERRANEAN SEA): Numbers, chapter 34, verse 6; 1st Kings, chapter 5, verses 7-12; Jonah, chapter 1, verses 1-3; Acts, chapter 27, verses 1-2.

Posted 89 weeks ago


May 28, 2023: Dear Friends We are continuing our series on learning and knowing the Bible. Once this series is completed, the foundation for learning and knowing the Bible will have been provided for the one who has read, studied and learned the information in this series. Spending time returning to the blogs previously written in this series will reinforce what has been learned resulting in a process of continuously progressing in learning and remembering what has been learned about the Bible. And remember, the more reading and studying of the Bible, the nearer and closer to God one becomes as written in James, chapter 4, verse 8, that says, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”                                                                  Return to last week’s blog by going to the website, keeganbooks.com to review what has been taught to help in learning the Bible. In this week’s discussion, the focus will continue to be on discussing how the books of the Bible are related. How is the book of 1sr Corinthians in the New Testament related to the book of Micah in the Old Testament. Or how is the book of 1st Samuel in the Old Testament related to the book of Acts in the New Testament. As has previously been discussed, geographic sites that are found in the many books of the Bible, help to realize how certain books are related.                         Some of the verses that contain the geographic sites of Jerusalem, Mount Moriah, and the Jordan River will be listed below. Follow each of these sites through the books of the Bible, one site at a time. Return to the blog (May 7, 2023) that lists the approximate timeline of when the books that the verses are in were written. Then compare dates the books were written between other books the site is written in to recognize that the books are related.  For instance, Jerusalem was written about in 2nd Samuel, chapter 5, verses 6-7. Find the timeline of when Samuel was written (1200 BCE approximately). Then find Jerusalem written in Jeremiah, chapter 3, verse 15-18. Jeremiah was written in the 620′s BCE some 500 years after Samuel was written. (Jerusalem had grown in size and had quite a history during that time)                                                                                                 In the next few weeks, our series will focus on words and ideas that transverse through the Bible books that help in recognizing that the books are related due to similar words and ideas that tell of what God is trying to teach the reader throughout the Bible.                                                                                                                                                                              MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                     Geographic Sites: JERUSALEM: 2nd Samuel, chapter 5, verses 6-10; Jeremiah, chapter 3, verses 15-18; Matthew, chapter 20, verse 17 and verse 29.      MOUNT MORIAH: Genesis, chapter 22, verses 1-4; 2nd Samuel, chapter 24, verses 24-25; 2nd Chronicles, chapter 3, verses 1-2; 2nd Kings, chapter 24, verses 10-17; Nehemiah, chapter 2, verse 17; Matthew, chapter 21, verse 12; Mark, chapter 12, verses 41 42, and chapter 13, verses 1-2 and John, chapter 8, verse 2.   JORDAN RIVER: Numbers, chapter 34, verses 10-12; Joshua, chapter 3, verses 14-17 and chapter 4, verse 1; and Mark, chapter 1, verses 4-9     

Posted 90 weeks ago


MAY 21, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for following this blog on learning to know and understand the Bible, God’s Holy Word to it’s readers. We are currently in a series that is teaching learning the Bible by how to search for and find Bible verses to read and contemplate, learning the locations of the books of the Bible, including which books are in the Old Testament and which are in the New testament of the Bible, the approximate timeframe of when the books were written or when the events written about in a book took place, and learning how the books of the Bible are related to each other. Go to keeganbooks.com to review the past 5 blogs on learning the Bible.

The focus this week will be on continuing our study of how the books of the Bible are related. We are currently learning how specific geographic sites, like the town of Bethlehem that is written about in many books of the Bible, helped relate some books of the Bible to each other. To add interest to the Bible study, add the timeframe of the books that had the geographic site (Bethlehem) written in the books to add and broaden perspective on what is being read. 

In this week’s study, the geographic sites of Jericho and the Sea of Galillee will be followed through the books of the Bible. Return to the previous blogs mentioned above to learn the approximate timeframe of when the book that the site is written in was written. Growth in knowledge and understanding of the Bible will increase, allowing one to gain confidence in what is being learned in Bible.


Geographic Sites:    Be aware that there may be hundreds of years between the books with the site named, but the geographic site was still there in the timeframe written and is still there today.                        JERICHO: Joshua, chapter 2 and chapter 3: (1500 BCE). Luke, chapter 18 verses35, through chapter 19, through verse 28. (approx 28 AD. more than 1500 years since the Israelites crossed over into the Promised Land into Jericho)                                                              THE SEA OF GALILEE: Also known as the Sea of Chinnereth: Numbers, chapter 34, verses 11-12 (1500 BCE) and Joshua, chapter 12, verse 3. (1500 BCE) also known as the Lake of Gennesaret: Luke, chapter 5, verse 1: (Approx 28. AD). and the Sea of Tiberias: John, chapter 6, verse 1.(approx 28 AD, approximately 1500 years from when first written in Joshua).

Posted 91 weeks ago


May 14, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing the Bible. In this series started 5 weeks ago, several topics have been discussed that are part of the foundation that is needed to learn and know the Bible. Go to keeganbooks.com and review the previous 5 blogs to be updated on what has previously been written. The focus of these blogs include learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible, how the books of the Bible are organized, how to search for Bible verses to be read, and learning the timeline of when the books were written or when the events in the books took place.                                                                                                                Our focus in this blog will be to learn how the books of the Bible are related to each other. This is an area that most would agree to be confusing. One might be reading from the book of Philippians in the New Testament, and then go to the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament to read a scriptural passage from that book. What do the two books have in common?  What commonality would the two books have so as to be placed in the Bible anyway?                                  Discussion in this blog and the next blog or two will help one to better understand how the Bible books are related. The books of the Bible are related by specific words and ideas that are written that transverse through many books of the Bible. In 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-17 is written as follows: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.” The words of the Bible were inspired by God with the same words being found in several books of the Bible.                                                                                      Another way that the books are related is through geographic sites that transverse through the many Bible books. Also, a few of the Bible books are related by the book’s authors who are family kin.        Bible verses will be listed below that will follow a geographic site through the Bible. Other sites will be written about in the blogs to follow:                                                                                                                                 MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                     GEOGRAPHIC SITE: Bethlehem: Old Testament:  Genesis, chapter 35, verses 16-21;  Ruth, chapter 1: verses 1-2; verses 6–7; and verse 22; Look back to the blog that listed the timeframe of when the books were written. The Genesis’ mention of Bethlehem occurred in the 1800′s-1700′s BCE. The Ruth mention of Bethlehem occurred in the ll50 BCE, approximately 600 years after the Genesis event took place. Yet Bethlehem was still there. The written word let’s its readers know that there was a famine in Bethlehem in Ruth’s time. Bethlehem was mentioned in 1st Samuel, chapter 16, verses 1-13 (David being chosen as the King of Isarel around 1050 BCE, approx 100 years after the story of Ruth. Ruth was David’s great, grandmother.)  Micah, chapter 5. verses 2-4 (Micah wrote the book of Micah in the 757 BCE time frame, 300 to 400 years after Ruth and David. New Testament: Matthew, chapter 1, verses-18 through chapter 2, verse 23; and Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-24 ( both book’s events happened in 6BCE, 1800-1700 years after the Genesis event, 1150-1000 BCE after Ruth, 1st Samuel events, and 750 years after the Micah, scriptural passage was written.

Posted 92 weeks ago


  • May 7, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for following this blog in learning and knowing the Bible. The Bible is God’s Holy word to its reader.. Learning the Bible is a continuous process that may last a life time. The Bible has a total of 66 books, some being written by one or more authors, and being written hundreds of years apart. Because of the structure and organization of the Bible, confusion and lack of understanding can occur that limits the ability to learn and know the Bible. This blog is specifically being written to provide guidance when trying to learn the important information needed in trying to learn and know the Bible.                                                                                                           This series was started April 16 and has laid the foundation for learning and knowing the Bible. So far the focus has been on how to learn the names and locations of the Bible books, the organization of the Bible books, and how to search for and find Bible verses to read and study. Go to the website, keeganbooks.com and review these three blogs several times until confidence has been had in learning these important components of Bible learning and study.                                         The focus this week will be on the timeline of when the events written about in the Bible books occurred or when the books were written. This information will add perspective to Bible study as one is reading and studying the Bible.                                                      The dates listed below are approximate dates the events written about occurred or when the book was written. OLD TESTAMENT: Genesis: 1800 BCE. (BCE, Before the Common Era) Exodus through Deuteronomy 1500 BCE. Joshua: 1500 BCE Judges: covers a period of 300 years between leadership of Moses (1500 BCE) and the times of King David: 1200 BCE. Ruth: 1130 BCE; 1st Samuel through 2nd Chronicles: 1130 BCE and 586 BCE. Ezra through Esther: 485-445 BCE; Job: considered the oldest book in the Bible, many think Job was written by Moses: 1500′s BCE. Psalm though Ecclesiastes: 1050 through 950 BCE. Isaiah: 740-540BCE; Jeremiah: 627 BCE; Lamentations: 586 BCE; Ezekiel,586 BCE; Daniel: 540 BCE: Hosea through Micah 760-700 BCE; Nahem through Zephaniah: 640′s tp 600″s BCE: Haggi and Zechariah: in the 520′s BCE; and Malachi: 450′S BCE.           NEW TESTAMENT:     Matthew through John: The events written about, the birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, occurred in 6 BCE through the early 30′s AD (Anno Domini). The books were written in the 40′s-50′s AD. Acts: covers a period of the early church 27 AD through 67 AD. written by Luke who also wrote the gospel book of Luke. Romans through Philmon, written by Paul in the late 50′s very early 60′s AD. Hebrews: mid 60.s AD. James and Peter, written in the 60′s AD. 1st, 2nd and 3rd John written in the 80′s possibly in the 120′s? Jude, written in 65 AD.  Revelation: written in the 90′s, possibly the 120′s time frame. The time frame of when the books of the Bible were written will become more significant when studying how the books are related, a topic that will begin next week.  Going forth, when studying the Bible, searching and reading verses, once the verses are found to read, stop and remember where the book is in the organization of the Bible books, Old or New Testament, the Wisdom books or the Prophets etc so that increased knowledge of the Bible will be had.                                                    MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                     Bible verses to read and study this week: Psalm, chapter 8, verses 1-9; Job, chapter 22, verses 21 through 28; Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verses 4-9; Matthew, chapter 11, verses 28-29; Mark, chapter 1, verses 35 through 39;  Mark, chapter 4, verses 1-20; Luke, chapter 14, verses 7-11.John, chapter 1, verses 1-5, chapter 3, verses 17-21; Acts, chapter 26, verses 12-18; Galatians, chapter 5, verse 22.
Posted 93 weeks ago


May 1, 2023: Dear Friends, Today we will continue our series on learning and knowing the Bible. In our previous two blogs, discussions have been focused on learning the names of all the Bible books and learning the locations of the books in the Bible. Go to keeganbooks.com to review these blogs to enhance the learning process in knowing the Bible. There will be several more blogs written in this series. Remember to review the blogs weekly, slowly going over each blog to aid in learning the Bible.                                            The Bible is God’s Holy Word to its readers. In 2nd Timothy, chapter 3 verses 16 and 17, it is written, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.                                                     By history the Bible is the most important book ever written. Millions of copies have been sold. And remember, the more the Bible is read and studied, the closer and nearer one is drawn to God. The knowledge and wisdom gained through Bible reading and studying is the most valuable acquirement that one can have.                                    In today’s blog the focus will be on how the books are organized and how to search for and find verses in the Bible. Knowing the organization of the books of the Bible will add perspective when reading from a book in the Bible as well as helping to locate the Bible when searching for verses to be read. Learning to search and find specific verses to read is one of the most important functions to learn in the process of knowing the Bible.                                                    BIBLE BOOK ORGANIZATION:                                                               OLD TESTAMENT                                             NEW TESTAMENT              

THE LAW BOOKS                                      THE GOSPEL BOOKS    Genesis through Deuteronomy                  Matthew through John    

THE HISTORY BOOKS                                 THE HISTORY BOOK          Joshua through Esther                                    The Book of Acts                  

THE WISDOM BOOKS                                 PAUL’S LETTERS                

Job through Song of Solomon                   Romans through Philemon  

THE PROPHETS                                             OTHER LETTERS               Isaiah through Malachi                                   Hebrews through Jude                                                                                                REVELATION                Now, the focus will be on learning how to search and find Bible verses when studying the Bible. The Bible is composed of books as has been previously discussed in this blog and the last 2 blogs. Each book is composed of chapters that are numbered. Each chapter is composed of verses generally described as scriptures. Bible verses and Bible scripture refer to the same component, that is words that are written to be read. Each verse is numbered.                                     To look for a verse, look for the book the verse is in, find the chapter the verse is in, and then find the verse in that chapter by looking for the number listed for that specific verse. Listed is a verse or verses to be searched for: John, chapter 3, verses 16- 20. Since learning the location of the books has been had, the book of John is in the New Testament near the beginning of the New Testament. Once John is found, then go to chapter 3 and look for verses 16-20. Bible verses will be listed below to help in learning to search for and find to read.                  MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                             BIBLE VERSES: Psalm, chapter 23, verses 1-6. Ist Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1-13; Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11; Matthew, chapter 5, chapter 6, and chapter 7. ( Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount). Matthew, chapter 25, verses 34-40. Psalm, chapter 100, verses 1-5; Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verses 4-9; Exodus, chapter 20, verses 1-17. The books the verses are in are not in chronological order to give the reader more experience in looking and finding the verses listed. 

Posted 94 weeks ago

KNOWING YOUR BIBLE April  23, 2023: Dear Friends, Today we begin a new series on “Knowing Your Bible”. The topic to be followed this week is on learning where the books of the Bible are located. Once the learning of the location of the Bible books has occurred, then the next step is to learn how to search for Bible verses that are to be read. To begin with, review last week’s blog by going to keeganbooks.com to study how the Bible is divided into the Old Testament, containing 39 books, and the New Testament, containing 27 books. The Old Testament books were written before Jesus Christ, our Savior, who was born in the year 6 BCE. The NewTestament books were written after Christ’s birth. To learn the location of the books of the Bible, follow the regime described as follows. Place a Bible in your hands. Open the Bible to the index that list the Bible books and review the list. Then proceed to the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis. Then slowly go  through the book of Genesis until you reach the second book of the Old Testament, Exodus. Slowly move through Exodus until the third book is reached, Leviticus. Continue through that book and the rest of the books that are in the Old Testament. As progression occurs through all the books, pronounce the name several times of the book that is being gone through. This will help in learning the names of the books.  Then continue in the New Testament to the book of Matthew. Again go through each book starting with Matthew and going through Revelation pronouncing the name of each book when progressing through the book. Repeat this process, going through all the books of the Bible 2-3 times a week until confidence is felt in knowing where the Bible books are located.  To continue study on learning the location of the books, the organization of the books of the Bible will be listed as follows:        Old Testament:                                      The Law Books: Genesis through Deuteronomy. The History Books of the Old Testament: Joshua through Esther. The Wisdom and Poetry Books: Job through The Song of Solomon.        The Prophet Books: Isaiah through Malachi.            New Testament: The Gospel Books: Matthew through John. The New Testament History Book: Acts.  Paul’s Letters: Romans through Philemon. Other Letters: Hebrews through Jude.  Revelation. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK! Because of limited space, this study will continue next week, Spend time studying this blog. After learning the location of the books, learn where the book is in relation to the organization of the Bible books. This knowledge will also help when searching for a specific Bible verse.

Posted 95 weeks ago


April 16, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this weekly blog that focuses on helping others learn and know the Bible. This week, a new series will begin on learning the Bible. The series will consist of multiple topics that will help in acquiring knowledge and understanding as one who seeks to learn the Bible.

The Bible consists of several books that have been written by different authors, with some books having more than one author. The timeline of when the books of the Bible were written is generally thought to be in line of a timespan of 2000 to 3000 years ago. 

The Bible is organized into the Old Testament which has 39 books and the New Testament having 27 books. The books located in the Old Testament were written before Jesus birth in 6 BCE, generally thought to be written 1800 BCE to the 400′s BCE. The books in the New Testament were written after the birth of Jesus, with most books of the New Testament considered to be written in the 50′s AD to 100 AD timeframe.

The Old Testament refers to the “Old Covenant that God provided to the people in a particular agreement by laws and commandments, leading people to follow and worship God by obeying the laws and commandments in their lives. The New Testament refers to the New Covenant where God brought his only son, Jesus Christ, to live on earth with the idea that people would believe and follow Jesus and his teachings, giving the believer a new life in Jesus Christ. The Old Covenant consisted in laws and commandments, The New Covenant was spirit oriented in the belief of Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John, chapter 10, verse 30, that “The Father and I are one.” Many believe that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. 

There are several topics that will be listed that will help the follower know ahead of time of what and when specific topics will be written about. Each topic might take 2-3 blogs to complete the information that is being taught. Topic 1: Learning the location of each of the books of the Bible. This is a most important topic because learning the location of the Bible books will allow the follower to search for and find specific Bible verses to be read. 2: Learning the organization of the Bible books. This knowledge will reinforce learning where the books are located, saving time in searching for a specific Bible verse. 3: Learning the approximate timeframe of when specific books of the Bible were written will add perspective in the knowledge about the book being studied.  4. Connecting the books of the Bible together. This will reduce confusion and increase knowledge about the books of the Bible. The books can be connected through specific geographic sites listed in the Bible. The books can be connected through various words and teachings that transverse throughout the Bible. This allow the follower to have a better understanding of what God is trying to teach through his written word. 

Our series will start next week with topic 1. Remember the date of this blog so that references can be made to return to this page when following what and when a topic will be written about. Bible verses below will be listed that tell about the Word of God, the Holy Bible.

               MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                          

Bible Verses: Read Psalm, chapter 119, the longest book in the Bible. There are 175 verses. There are several references to the “Word of God” in this chapter. Remember the word “law” is referring to the Word of God. Read and contemplate on 25 verses in this chapter daily. Next few week’s verses will coincide with the topic being written about.

Posted 96 weeks ago


April 9, 2023: Dear Friends, Join me this day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “Christ has risen, yes, Jesus Christ has risen”. What a day in eternity that was, which occurred more than 2000 years ago. That day is celebrated today and once a year on Easter Sunday.

The discovery that Jesus was alive was made by Jesus’ followers when his body was not in the burial tomb that Jesus had been placed following his death by crucifixion. By history he had been laid in a burial tomb for 3 days before his resurrection.  According to biblical scripture, Jesus was soon seen after his resurrection appearing to his friends and disciples on several occasions prior to his ascension into heaven. According to some historians, Jesus was on earth several days prior to his ascension.   

Jesus’ ascension into heaven was recorded in the book of Acts, chapter 1, verses 1-12. Jesus had spoken of the Holy Spirit coming upon his followers after his ascension, in Acts, chapter 1, verse 8. The actual coming of the Holy Spirit to earth was written in Acts, chapter 2, verses 1-8.

 Jesus had spoken of the Holy Spirit during his life on earth prior to his crucifixion. The Holy Spirit, God’s spirit’ actually lives in each of us as believers in Christ. Many do not understand this concept and have a hard time comprehending the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. 

Once a believer becomes a believer, believing in Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit enters the soul and leads and guides throughout our lives. This topic will be written about in a future blog, but for now the concept that the Holy Spirit is within us at all times should be accepted by the believer. It may take sometime before one realizes the Holy Spirit is present in his or her life. Training oneself to listen or become aware of that thought or direction or guidance that comes into one’s mind will help in distinguishing God’s Holy Spirit within our minds. 

Next week, we will begin a new series on learning the Bible. Every year after Easter, some time is spent in helping our followers learn the Bible by learning how to search for and find specific Bible verses, learning the organization of the Bible books, learning the timeline of different events written about in the Bible, and learning how the books of the Bible are connected to each other. The information given in this series will be very helpful as one is trying to learn and understand the Bible. 

Bible verses on Jesus’ life after his resurrection and before his ascension will be listed below to search for and read. Several verses that Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit will also be listed below. Spend some time contemplating on what is read to help in increasing understanding of what the Bible is trying to teach to it’s readers.


BIBLE VERSES: On Jesus’ Life, post resurrection: Matthew, chapter 28, verses 1-20; Mark, chapter 16, verses 1-20. Luke, chapter 24, verses 1-52. John, chapters 20 and 21. Words Jesus spoke about the “Holy Spirit”: John, chapter 16, verse 14; and chapter 14, verses 15-17; Matthew, chapter 10 verses 19- 20; Mark, chapter 13, verses 9-12; and Luke, chapter 12, verses 11- 12.

Posted 97 weeks ago


April 2, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for joining us in our study of Jesus during his last week prior to his crucifixion and resurrection more than 2000 years ago. This week has been referred to as the “Holy Week" with historic holy days being referenced to during the week. Today has been referred to as “Palm Sunday”.  Friday of this week has been referred to as “Good Friday”, the day of Jesus crucifixion. And next Sunday is Easter, the day in history of Jesus’ resurrection. 

The happenings of this week in history have influenced most to think of the week as being the holiest week in the Christain Religion History. Today is Palm Sunday, written about in the gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. On this historic day, Jesus rode on a donkey down the Mount of Olives into the city of Jerusalem with the crowd waving and laying palm branches in front of Jesus, singing and shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord-the King of Israel.” as he entered the city. John, chapter 12 verse 13.  Then, only a few days later, the crowd (most likely the same crowd that was worshiping him earliier in the week) was shouting to Pontius Pilate. the Governor of Judea to, “Crucify him, crucify him!” as written in John, chapter 19, verse 6. What happened during that past week in Jesus’ life that caused such a turnaround in the crowds’ attitudes and opinions about Jesus?

On that historic Friday, Jesus was crucified by the Roman-controlled Judea Govenor, Pontus Pilate using a barbaric way through nailing him to a tree-made cross where he hung and suffocated to death. According to biblical history, he hung on the cross for approximately 6 hours from 9am to 3pm when he took his last breath. He was brutely beaten prior to his being nailed to the cross. (John, chapter 19, verses 1-42,)

A big question boggles our minds as we ask, “why refer to that Friday as “Good Friday”? What is good about the awful suffering, pain, shame and humiliation that Jesus went through before he died? What a horrible way to die! 

When I have searched for the answer to the question above, I have received various answers. In my mind, I know that Jesus died for our sins, to take away our sins and to forgive our sins when we repent our sins to him. His death crushed our sins. With the forgiveness of sins, one can begin a new life in him, living and following his teachings and commandments which is his will for all who believe in him. His death was a sacrifice for our sins. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, loved us so much as to give his life for us so that we may have a life, a life without sin as much as possible, like his, that gives us peace and serenity, joy and love, grace and compassion. 

May God bless you this week. Bible verses will be listed that will help you in the understanding of Jesus’ death. Next week, Easter Sunday, Jesus’ resurrection will be the topic of study.


BIBLE VERSES: Luke, chapters 23, 24 and 25; John, chapters 12-20. Matthew, chapter 20, verse 28. Mark, chapter 10, verse 45.; John, chapter 1, verse 29; John, chapter 15, verse 13; 1st Peter, chapter 2, verse 24; Romans, Chapter 5, verse 8; 1st Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 3; Galatians, chapter 2, verse 20; 1st John, chapter 3, verse 18.

Posted 98 weeks ago


March 26, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this week’s blog study on the life of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are entering the 5th week of Lent, that season of time that occurs 40 days before Easter of each year. This is a time of fasting and penitence for the follower to observe during the leading up to the time of Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday ( April 7, this year) and his resurrection Easter morning ( April 9, this year).

During the past 4 weeks, the blog writings have focused on Jesus’ humanity, his humanness, and on how he lived his life ministering to and healing hundreds of people in his lifetime. Studying Jesus’ life that is recorded in the New Testament Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, will relay how he lived while on earth, who he was and what he stood for. As one acquires knowledge about Jesus, the very foundation of one’s faith and trust in Jesus brings spiritual growth to the inner-most soul, drawing one nearer and closer to him.

It is the hope that many will form a relationship with Jesus. This relationship will become the most important focus in one’s life, knowing that Jesus’ love, compassion, and understanding is continuously with us through his Holy Spirit, guiding and directing our thoughts and decisions as our faith in him grows stronger and stronger.

In this week’s blog, Bible verses that record what appears to be written the week before Jesus’ last week on earth (chapters written before Palm Sunday, the Sunday of the last week of his life prior to his crucifixion will be listed below.) These verses again demonstrate Jesus’ humanness and allow for a better understanding of where Jesus stood in his ministry prior to his death by crucifixion. Again, reading and studying one of the Bible books listed above during the next 2 weeks will be very helpful in acquiring the knowledge about Jesus that will help in the formation of the foundation of faith and trust that leads to a deep and strong relationship with Jesus.


Bible Verses: Matthew, chapters 19, 20. Mark, Chapters 9, 10 and 11. Luke, chapters 14, 15, and 16. and John, chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16.

Posted 99 weeks ago


March 20, 2022: Dear Friends, We are now entering the fourth week of Lent. Please go to the last 3 blogs to read and study what Lent is and specific actions that are important to do during the Lenton season. During the previous 3 weeks, the discussions about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, have focused on Jesus’ humanity, his humanness as a human being, and on his teachings that he left us that are written in the Gospel Books of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, for us to follow in our lives. Go to the last 3 blogs as well as other blogs by going to keeganbooks.com to study and contemplate on who Jesus is and what he stands for, for us.

In this week’s discussion the focus will be on specific Bible verses that allow us to understand what Jesus’ teachings are about. Every Bible verse is important, but Bible verses that are written on Jesus are the most important to read and learn about him. For it is Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior, that saves us from our sins and guides us through a Christ -like life that is meant for believers and followers of Jesus to follow. In Matthew, chapter 1, verse 21, it is written: “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Those that believe in Jesus and follow his teachings will not sin or want to sin, and this will save them from sinning as written above. 

Bible verses will be listed below that provide Jesus’ teachings that can be studied for personal insight into the meaning and purpose of what is being written. There are many more than a hundred teachings in the gospels, too many to list all the scriptures on teaching due to limited space. The follower might independently search the gospels for Jesus’ teachings. Also consider reading one of the gospel books during this Lenton Season as part of personally participating in Lent. And remember, the more one reads and study’s the life of Jesus, the nearer and closer one will become to him. This is the whole purpose of this blog, to form a deep, committed relationship to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. All verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible.


BIBLE VERSES: The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew, chapters 5, 6 and 7; Matthew chapter 11, verses 28-30;, Matthew, chapter 16, verses 24-26; Matthew, chapter 19, verses 13-15; Mark, chapter 7, verses 17-23; Mark, chapter 13, verses 3-8; Luke, chapter 12, verses 1-12; Luke, chapter 16, verses 10-13; John, chapter 1, verses 1-18; John, chapter 4, verses 1-15;, John, chapter 8, verses 31 through 38; John, chapter 10, verses 11-18;  John, chapter 14, verses 1-7.

Posted 100 weeks ago


March 12, 2023. Dear Friends, Our blog during this third week of Lent will continue on our study of Jesus Christ. our Lord and Savior. Lenton season has been defined as a Holy time, a time of fasting and penitence, humbling ourselves as we follow Jesus during the last weeks of his life through his crucifixion and resurrection. The season lasts 40 days, from Ash Wednesday which this year is on February 22, through Easter Day, on April 9, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection that occurred more than 2000 years ago. A special emphasis on Jesus’ life, his humanity and how he lived while here on earth, have been focused on in the previous first two weeks of Lent. Go to the website above left to review those blogs as we continue our series during Lent. 

In each of the gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, there are Bible verses written that state that Jesus went throughout the Galilee and in the Jericho and Jerusalem areas teaching and healing the many. These verses will be listed below. Jesus’ birth, life, death by crucifixion, and his resurrection, are written in the Gospel Books. If time allows, choose one of the Gospel Books that are located in the New Testament in the Bible, to read and contemplate on Jesus during Lenton Season. Reading 1-2 chapters daily about Jesus will bring one nearer and closer to him. That is the purpose of this blog, to help anyone who wants to learn and know about Jesus and learn the Bible. One should be able to reach these goals through following this weekly blog. The joy, peace and serenity one experiences in developing a relationship with Jesus is almost beyond describing the joyous feelings that comes from knowing and following Jesus.

In last week’s blog, the focus was on Jesus’ “direct teachings” to his followers. He used direct teachings, using direct wording when trying to relay certain ideas and messages to his followers. In this week’s discussion, the focus will be on the parables Jesus used to teach his followers. A parable has been defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as “a short, simple story teaching a moral lesson. Usually, the reader of a parable has to think about what is being taught, before comprehending the meaning of the story. it is not unusual that two different readers of the same parable will interpret the story differently. It is also not unusual for a reader to not comprehend the parable the same way each time the parable is read. Because of space limitation, only a few Bible verses below will be listed that contain some of the parables that Jesus taught.  All verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) Version of the Bible.


Bible Verses: Verses on Healing and teaching: Matthew, chapter 4, verses 23-25; chapter 11, verses 1 and verses 12-15.  Mark, chapter 6, verses 6-7; chapter 8, verses 22-25   Luke, chapter 5, verse 17. Verses on Jesus’ direct teachings are throughout the book of John.                                                                      Parables: Matthew, chapter 13, verses 1-51. Mark, chapter 4, verses 1-34. Luke, chapter 8, verses 4-8; and verses 11-18; chapter 12, verses 13-21; Chapter 14, verses 15-21; and chapter 15, verses 11-32.

Posted 101 weeks ago


March 5, 2023: Dear Friends, We will continue our series during Lent on the life of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. As discussed in last week’s blog, Lent is that season of time consisting of 40 days prior to Christ’s Resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, this year being on February 22, and continues through Easter Day, April 4, representing that day more than 2000 years ago, the day of Christ’s resurrection, 

Lent is a Holy time, a time of fasting and penitence, humbling ourselves as we follow Jesus during the last weeks of his life to his crucifixion and resurrection. Return to last week’s blog by going to keeganbooks.com for more information about what this series is about. 

We have begun our series focusing on the life Jesus Christ lived while here on earth. Go to the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to read about Jesus’, his birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection. It would be helpful to choose one of these books to read one page a day during this Season of Lent. Reading about Jesus will greatly increase one’s understanding and knowledge about who Jesus is and what he stands for. By dates, it has been thought that Christ was born in approximately 6 BCE. His death and resurrection are thought to have occurred when he was approximately 33 years of age, sometime in the 28-30- AD time frame. His ministry during his life began when he was approximately 30 years of age. His ministry lasted approximately 3 years prior to his death.

We started on our series last week by focusing on Christ’s humanity, the fact that he was human, just as we are. Review the Bible verses listed in last week’s blog. One verse, Mark, chapter 1, verse 35, states that Jesus awakened very early in the morning, and while it was still dark, went out to pray to God. Reading that sentence, one could surmise that Jesus may have risen early throughout most, if not all the rest of his life, and that he began his days on earth by praying to God. 

The verses on Jesus’ rest, Matthew, chapter 8, verse 24, and John, chapter 4, verses 1-6, again demonstrates Jesus’ humanity. In Matthew’s verse was written that Jesus was sleeping in the boat during a storm on the Sea of Galilee. In  John’s verses were written that Jesus was tired out from a journey that he was walking to the Galilee area to the North. In that journey he was going through the Samaria Mountains, so his walking probably involved walking uphill, tiring him out. Jesus was tired so he sat down to rest near the site of Jacob’s well. (In a side note, Jacob lived approximately in the 1800-1700 BCE timeframe, so approximately 1700 years later, Jesus was sitting beside Jacob’s well at the very place where Jacob had been). A few other topics that help to recognize Jesus’ humanity are listed in last week’s blog.

In this week’s blog, the focus will be on Jesus’ teachings to his followers as recorded in the New Testament Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Some verses will be listed below of Jesus’ teaching throughout his ministry. Jesus taught using direct wording and commands in his teachings, as well as through parables. A parable has been defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as “a short, simple story teaching a moral lesson”. Due to space limitations, a few verses will be direct wording teaching and commands this week. Next week’s verses will focus on Jesus’ parables. 

During Lent, choosing one of the Gospel books to read, one chapter a day, should increase knowledge and understanding of Jesus, who he is and what he stands for. The whole purpose of this blog is to help in learning and knowing the Bible and in particular, learning about Jesus and believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior. 

                  MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                        BIBLE VERSES: Matthew, chapter 4, verse 23; the Sermon On The Mount: Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7:  Matthew, chapter 15, verse 10. Chapter 18. Chapter 23, verses 1-12. Mark, chapter 1, verses 16-28; Mark, chapter 4, verse 1; Mark, chapter 6, verses 6-13; Mark, chapter 8, verses 34-38; Mark, chapter 10, verses 17-22; Luke, chapter 4, verses16-22; Luke, chapter 5, verses 1-3; Luke, chapter 6, verses 46-49. John, chapter 10; John, chapter 15 and 16.

Posted 102 weeks ago


February 26, 2023: Dear Friends, Today, we are beginning a series on Lent and the humanity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This past Wednesday was “Ash Wednesday,” a recognized day set aside by most Christian denominations to begin the following of certain practices during Lent. Lent has been recognized as the 40 days of fasting and penitence before Jesus’ resurrection on Easter day. This year the Lent season is from February 22 through April 8.

Lent is considered a “Holy Time”, a sacred time for meditation and worship. Many practice penitence by fasting from favorite foods and, temporary doing away with favorite pastimes including enjoyable daily activities. Personal sacrifice with awareness of our sinful ways humbles our thoughts and feelings, allowing repentance to occur in the deep recesses of our souls. This is a time to recognize our sins, ask for forgiveness, and do away with our sinful ways.

In this series, the study of Jesus’ life that last few weeks before his crucifixion, recognized as the Friday before Easter, and resurrection on the following Easter Sunday, will be focused on. Other parts of Jesus’ ministry that occurred prior to the Lent season will also be focused during the first part of the series to help in allowing one to draw nearer and closer to him. Knowledge of Jesus, who he is and what he stands for, provides a good, basic Christian foundation of faith, beliefs, and values for the believer. 

The series will start with studying Jesus’ life before the last few weeks prior to his crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus’ birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection are all written in the Gospel books of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The word Gospel has been defined as the “Good News” referring to Jesus. In John, chapter 1 verses 3b to verse 5 is written, “,,,,,,,,What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. And in John, chapter 10, verse 10b, it is written, “,,,,,,,,,I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  

What is this life Jesus was referring to?  Bible verses below will help in learning the life that Jesus lived, leaving examples for us and revealing his belief’s and values for us to follow. All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible.


Bible Verses: John, chapter 13, verse 1b; John, chapter 11, verse 27; John, chapter 14, verse 6; Jesus’ Humanity: Awakens while it is still dark: Mark, chapter 1, verse 35. Becomes tired and rests and sleeps: John, chapter 4, verse 6 and Matthew, chapter 8 verses 23 and 24. Knows what work is about: John, chapter 9, verse 4. He attended worship services at the synagogue Luke chapter 4, verse 16b. He loved: Children:  Matthew, chapter 18, verses 1-7 and chapter 19, verses 13-15; Adults: John, chapter 13, verse 1; The poor and the sick: Matthew, chapter 4, verses 23 and 24; and Mark, chapter 12, verses 41-43. More will be written about his life and teachings that reveal his beliefs and values in this series.

Posted 103 weeks ago


February 19. 2023: Dear Friends, This blog will be the last blog of the current series on important people and events in the Bible. Focusing on familiar people and events that many have heard, or even read about in the Bible, broadens the understanding of what God is trying to teach to the reader and student of the Bible. Remember the more one reads and studies the Bible, the more one learns about God and his influences on people’s lives. Also keep in mind that the Bible is God’s Holy Word to its readers. In 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-18, it is written “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”

This series began on August 7,2022 and continued through November 13. 2022, after which time, because of the holidays, the series was placed on hold until   January 8, 2023.  At that time the series was restarted and has continued through today. If time allows, return to the beginning of the series on August 7, 2022, by going to keeganbooks.com. and review the series, blog by blog, to refresh and refine the knowledge that has been learned in this series. The series provides a broad base of knowledge that will enhance learning and understanding of the Bible.  And in the future, again review the series when able, just to keep the knowledge learned in the series at the forefront to be used throughout one’s Bible study.

Last week, a partial review of some of the important people written about in the Old Testament was discussed with specific Bible verses listed to help in locating where in the Bible the person or persons were located to be read about. In this week’s blog, verses with some of the rest of the people and events in the Old Testament and the New Testament will be listed. Because of space limitations, the amount of verses may be limited.


The rules of Passover: Exodus chapter 11; The Exodus from Egypt: Exodus, chapters 12, 13 and 14; The crossing over into the Promised Land: Joshua, chapters 3 and 4.The fall of Israel 722 BCE: 2nd Kings, chapter 17, verses 3-23. The fall of Judah, 586 BCE: 2nd Kings chapters 24 and 25. The rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem: Ezra, chapters 3-5. Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem: Nehemiah, chapter 3; King David wrote approximately 50% of the Psalm. His son, King Solomon wrote the Wisdom Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. The Prophet Books extend forward towards the New Testament after the book of Ecclesiastes. The Prophet books are divided by the size of the book with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel’ being considered the Major Prophets Books due to their larger size.The rest of the Prophet Books after Daniel being considered Minor Prophet Books. Daniel and the Lions Den: Daniel, chapter 6; Jonah and the Whale, Jonah, chapter 1.     THE NEW TESTAMENT: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the most important person in the Bible and in the world. His birth  life, death, and resurrection, can be found in the first 4 books of the New Testament, the Gospel books, of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. With the coming of the Lent Season, beginning on Ash Wednesday, this week, consider reading 1 or 2 of the gospel books during Lent. Reading 1-2 chapters a day will provide so much information about Jesus. Jesus’ birth is recorded in Matthew, chapter 1, verses 18-25, and Luke chapter 2. Jesus’ life is recorded all through the Gospel books. The recording of Jesus’ death and resurrection can be found in Matthew, chapters 26, 27 and 28; Mark, chapters 14, verses 32 through chapter 16; Luke, chapter 22, verses 47 through chapters 23 and 24, and John, chapters 18 through chapter 21. The names and lives of Jesus’ 12 disciples can be found throughout the Gospel books. Refer to last week’s blog for names of the disciples and other important people written about in the New Testament. Next week, we will begin a series on Lent that will last until Easter. I hope you each have a great week!

Posted 104 weeks ago


February 12, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this weekly blog on KNOWING YOUR BIBLE. The purpose of this blog is to help anyone who wants to learn and know the Bible obtain important information on learning that will provide knowledge and understanding of the Bible. The more the Bible is read, the more one will acquire knowledge that will help in using and reading the Bible.

This weekly blog was started in 2016 and continues today due to the call placed upon this author through God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, to teach the Bible. The need for one to know how to use the Bible has been a central theme since the beginning of the blog. The written blog is not to instruct on interpreting the Bible, but to learn the format of the Bible so that knowing how to use and read the Bible can be had. The following topics on learning the Bible is as follows: to teach the names and locations of the Bible books, how to search for and read Bible verses, to realize how the books of the Bible are organized, and how the books of the Bible are related to each other through geographic sites as well as through certain words and ideas that transverse through the Bible books. Refer to the blogs written from April 24 to July 31 of last year by going to keegan books,com to study the topics listed above.

To accomplish the purpose of teaching the Bible, the author has established an organized way to teach so that understanding and learning the Bible can be had. The author has identified important topics (see above, second paragraph) that, as a whole, contributes to the learning process. These topics are organized in “series” that are completely separate from each other, but that together, provide overall knowledge that is very helpful and useful when trying to learn and understand the Bible.

We have recently completed this last series on learning some of the important people and events that are written about in the Bible. We will provide in today’s and next week’s blogs, a review on this series. As many are aware, especially listening to a sermon, either in person, through the media, or through biblical discussions, when there are names of people and/or events discussed where  knowledge is lacking on where in the Bible the information can be found on the subjects being discussed.  Acquiring knowledge about different people or events broadens one’s perception and understanding when hearing about or studying specific subjects that are written about in the Bible.  Being able to locate where in the Bible the person or event is located, allows one to go to that location to read about the person or event, and, therefore, receive a broader understanding on what was being listened to or discussed. 

Instructions on how and where to locate specific people or events will be listed below. Hopefully this review will bring increased understanding and a broadened perspective in learning the Bible. The blog written next week will be the last blog on this series and will continue on listing the location in the Bible of some of the important people and events written in this series. A new series on “LENT” will begin in 2 weeks.


Bible Verses: Important people and events written about in the Bible:                    The Creation: Genesis, chapter 1-2.     The life of Adam and Eve: Genesis chapters 3 thru 5, verses 1-5.      Noah and the Ark: Genesis chapter 6, verses 5 thru chapter 7 verse 6.       Abraham: Genesis 11, verse 27 through chapter 25, verse 11.        Isaac and Rebecca: Genesis chapter 24, verses 15-67 and chapter 25.         Jacob and Esau, chapters 27-35.             Jacob’s sons including Joesph, Genesis chapters 37-50.   The life of Moses: The book of Exodus.         The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and their 40-year journey to the Promised Land (Israel) The book of Exodus,            The 10 Commandments: Exodus, chapter 20, verses 1-17.          The entrance into the Promised land, Joshua, chapter 1-chapter 4;        Ruth, King David’s great grandmother, the book of Ruth.     The life of Samuel, 1st Samuel, chapter 1-12;       King David’s life and reign can be found in !st Samuel,, chapters 16 through the book of 2nd Samuel to 1st King’s, chapter 2, verses 1-4        . King Solomon’s life and reign: 1st Kings, chapter 2, verses 13 through chapters 3-11. 

Posted 105 weeks ago


February 5, 2023: Dear Friends, Our series on important people and events written in the Bible is coming to a close with this week’s focus on the last 5 books in the New Testament, and the next 2 week’s focus on reviewing the series. Return to the last 2-3 blogs by going to keeganbooks.com to review recent information on the series.

The last 5 books in the New Testament are the books of 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, the book of Jude, and the book of Revelation. Many think that the disciple John wrote the books of John, referring to the Gospel of John, the 4th book in the New Testament. and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd book of John, and the book of Revelation located near and or at the end of the New Testament. 

John was the youngest of Jesus’ disciples. It has been thought that John wrote all his books in the 90′s AD. Keep in mind that Jesus’  life, death and resurrection occurred in the 20′s. maybe early 30′s AD. Through the years the timeframe that was thought that these books were written in, has changed from year to year. Refer to Bible history books or go online to obtain more current information on the timeline of John’s writing of these books. It has also been thought that many other “Johns” might have written the “John books near and at the end of the New Testament.

Acceptance is widespread that John, the disciple of Jesus Christ wrote the Gospel, one of the most important books in the Bible. John, the disciple, was a witness to Jesus, his life, death by crucifixion, and his resurrection. The three books of John near the end of the New Testament were written in the context of clarifying and teaching the real truth about Christianity. 

The book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament and of the Bible, is a complex book that is difficult for most to understand the writings that encompass the book. Again, referral to teachings of biblical scholars will help in bringing understanding of the book of Revelation. 

The book of Jude, the 2nd to the last book in the New Testament, was written by Jude, who was thought to be Jesus’ half-brother. The book has one chapter and comprises writings on Christianity, and on the “last days.”

Verses will be listed below to read and contemplate on in the next week. All verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) Version of the Bible.


Bible Verses: 1st John, chapter 1, verses 5-9; chapter 2, verses 1-11; chapter 4, verses 7-22.   2nd John, chapter 1, verses 6-11. 3rd John, chapter 1, verses 2-4.     Jude, chapter 1, verses 17-25. Revelation, chapter 2 and chapter 3; chapter 21, verses 1-8; chapter 22. verses 1-5.

Posted 106 weeks ago


January 29, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome to this weekly blog on KNOWING YOUR BIBLE, God’s “Holy Word” to its readers. The purpose of this blog is to help those who want to learn and understand the Bible. Because of its complexity, the Bible, having 66 separate books, written hundreds of years apart, by several different authors, can be confusing, causing frustration to the one trying to learn the Bible. Many give up, sometimes forever, in seeking to know and understand the Bible.

This blog has been written through a form of series’ that focus on different aspects of what is being taught to help in learning the Bible. The author is not trying to teach the follower of this blog how to interpret what is being read. The one who is reading the Bible will interpret what is being read or seek help in interpreting from others knowledgeable in biblical study such as ministers or class teachers. The teaching in this blog focuses on how to use and study the Bible. Learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible, learning how to search for Bible verses, and learning how the books of the Bible are related, are important study tasks that are helpful in being able to learn and study the Bible. Go to keeganbooks.com to study the blogs written from April 24th through July 29, 2022, on learning to use the Bible.

This series currently being studied is a series on learning about important people and events written about in the Bible. Because of space, only a few people and events were written about in the series. The series was started on August 7, 2022, with blogs written about some important people and events in the Old Testament. Currently, the series is focusing on some important people and events written about in the New Testament. If time allows, return to these blogs by going to keeganbooks.com. for review and study. Last week’s blog will be particularly helpful in explaining more details about the series.

In returning to last week’s blog, the references and writings about Paul’s Letters were completed. The focus of this week’s blog will be on books of Hebrews, James, 1st and 2nd Peter. Next week’s blog will be centered on the last books of the New Testament,1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, and the book of Revelation. The following week’s blog will complete this series with a review of the entire series.

The writer of the book of Hebrews is unknown but some historians have suggested that Apollos, a follower of the Apostle Paul, was the author of Hebrews. The book has some similar writings to some of Pauls’ writings. The book was written to Hebrew Christians who were being encouraged to return to Judaism. No apparent important events were written about in Hebrews. Apollos was written about in Acts, chapter 18, verses 24 -25.

The writer of the book of James is thought to be Jesus’ brother. James was converted after Jesus’ resurrection. James is written about in Galatians, chapter 1, verse 18. James was important in helping to establish Christianity and the early church.

The Disciple Peter, the author of 1st and 2nd Peter, wrote about Christianity and the early church. He had much influence in the early Christian movement after Jesus’ death and resurrection. He was also written about throughout the gospel books as a disciple and follower of Jesus.

                MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                      Bible Verses to read and study:  Hebrews, chapter 1, verses 1-3; chapter 4, verse 12; chapter 11, verses 1-39.      James, chapter 1, verses 2-16; chapter 2, verses 14-17; chapter 3, verses 13-18; chapter 4, verses 8-10.     1st Peter: chapter 1, verses 3-9, and 13-16; chapter 2, verses 13-17; chapter 4, verses 7-11; chapter 5, verses 6-11.      2nd Peter: chapter 1, verses 3-11; chapter 3, verse 8 and verse 18.

Posted 107 weeks ago


January 22, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for following this blog. We are currently in a series learning about important people and events that are written about in the Bible. This series was begun on August 7, 2022, continued until Advent began on November 27, 2022, and was restarted on January 1, 2023. Blogs have been written on some of the important people and events written about in the Old Testament. We are now focused on some of the important people and events written about in the New Testament. And of course, as we know, the most important person written about in the Bible is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Study on Jesus Christ, his birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection can be had by reviewing the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the gospel books, found in the New Testament of the Bible. Go to the website, keeganbooks.com to study the blog written on August 7, 2022. Progress forward to last week’s blog to review and contemplate on what has been written in these blogs.

Why is knowing about important people and events that are written about in the Bible advantageous to the one trying to learn and know the Bible? There are several reasons why reading and studying events and people in the Bible are helpful. Some of the reasons include gaining knowledge and broadening one’s perspective when trying to understand what has been written about an event or a specific person. When trying to decipher a particular circumstance or event in one’s life, one can begin to compare oneself with the written event or person that will help in increasing understanding of the situation and action that should be taken. Other reasons to know about events and people that are written about in the Bible include helping one learn the location in the Bible where certain people or events are written about in the Bible. Knowing about events and people that have been written about will help in group learning and studying together when involved in Bible classes on learning the Bible. Being Bible knowledgeable increases faith and confidence as one strives to learn and know the Bible.

The focus in this week’s blog will be on the last few books of the Letters of Paul. To have a broadened background of Paul’s letters, return to the last 2-3 blogs on Paul’s letters to study and contemplate before reading the Bible verses listed below.  Paul wrote 13 letters to different people and churches in his ministry of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. It is thought that he wrote the letters in the 50′sAD. Most of his letters focused on Jesus Christ, his glory, his teachings, the Holy Spirit, and the importance of the church.


Bible verses:   Colossians: Chapter 1, verses 1-2; verse 9. verse14; Chapter 3, verses 12-17; and verses 23-24.          1st Thessalonians: Chapter 1, verse 1; and verse 13; chapter 3, verses 12-13; chapter4, verses 9-12; and verse 5, verses 14-21.             2nd Thessalonians: chapter 2, verses 3-12; chapter 3, verses 1-13.       1st Timothy: Chapter 1, verses 1-2; chapter 2, verses 1-6; chapter 4, verses 6-8; and chapter 6, verse 11-16.           2nd Timothy: chapter 1, verses 6-7, chapter 2, verses 8-13; chapter 3, verses 11-13.           Titus: chapter 1, verse 7-9 and chapter 3, verses 4-8.         Philemon: chapter 1, verses 1-2 and 8-16.

Posted 108 weeks ago


January 15, 2023: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this blog study on “Knowing Your Bible.” We are continuing in a series written for the study of important people and events written about in the Bible. This series began in August 2022, and was continued through to the November 23rd blog. Then the focus changed to studying the Advent Season on November 30 as we focused on the coming birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. Upon completion of the Advent study at the end of December, we have now returned to continuing the series on people and events that provide knowledge and understanding on what has been written in the Bible. Return to the blogs from August until November 23 to review these blogs written on important events and people that are written about in the Bible. It is the hope that readers will recognize and be able to apply to their own lives, the knowledge and understanding learned through studying these blogs on important people and events.

Last week, the focus was on the Letters of Paul found in the New Testament that were written by the Apostle Paul in the approximate 50′s AD time period. The letters studied last week included the book of Romans through the book of 2nd Corinthians. As written in last week’s blog, Paul wrote in his letters about Jesus Christ and Jesus’ glory, on Jesus’ teachings that should be followed and obeyed, about faith that believers should have, the Holy Spirit, and the importance of the church. These are among the many topics that Paul wrote about. One can learn about early Christianity and the early church through the reading of these letters.

Bible verses will be listed from Paul’s letters beginning in the book of Galatians and extending through the book of Colossians. Before reading these verses listed below, one will benefit by going back to review and contemplate on last week’s blog. One may find the blogs to read and review by going to keeganbooks.com.


Bible Verses: Galatians: chapter 1, verses 1-5; Chapter 2, verses 19-21; chapter 5, verses 16-26; chapter 6, verses 4-10.          Ephesians: chapter 1, verses 1-2; and verses 15-22; chapter 4, verses 11-16, and chapter 6, verses 10-18.                        Philippians, chapter 1, verses 1-2; chapter 2, verses 1-15; and chapter 4, verses 8-14.            Colossians, chapter 1, verses 1-2; verses 9-14 and verses 24 -29; and chapter 3, verses 12-17; verses 20-21; and verses 23-24.

Posted 109 weeks ago


January 8, 2023: Dear Friends, Happy 2023 New Year to each of you. May this year be your best yet. If you are following this blog, you are on the right path for increased knowledge and wisdom, and hopefully a life of serenity and peace. That is because, by following this blog, you should gain knowledge and understanding about our Lord God, the Holy One, through learning to use and study the Bible The Bible is God’s Holy Word to its readers. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding of life’s experiences is learned through the reading and the study of the Bible. 

The Bible is considered by many to be the most important book ever written where “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-17. If he inspired all scripture that is written in the Bible, then one can learn about God by studying God’s written word in the Bible.

We are now in the New Year and are ready to continue our Bible study. This next few blogs will bring to the conclusion a series written before Advent on learning about the important people and events that are written about in the Bible. Go to the blog written August 7, 2022, and begin studying what has been written there. Progress slowly forward, reading and contemplating on what has been written in each blog until you reach the last blog written on November 23, 2022. Note that Old Testament people and events were written about first, then progressing to the New Testament books, read about important people and events written in the New Testament The information provided in these blogs will broaden one’s knowledge about events and people that will help in gaining a better understanding of what God, through his written Word, is trying to teach to its readers. Reading about some important person or event in the Bible may result in applying what is learned to a situation or person that may be occurring in one’s life, resulting in allowing a better understanding of the situation or person.

The last book in the Bible that was discussed in this series was the book of Acts, the history book of the New Testament. The next 13 books in the Bible following the book of Acts, are classified as Paul’s letters. Many think Paul’s letters were written in the 50′s A.D. Each book written is addressed in the first few verses of the 1st chapter to a church or where people who are being written to are located in the area North and West of Isarel, extending into Rome. 

Paul’s letters were written in different years during the 50′s AD but are not in chronological order by the date the letters were written. It is thought that First and Second Thessalonians were ones of the earliest books written by Paul. Composing his letters to the different churches and people, Paul wrote and glorified Jesus Christ, how Jesus’ teachings and examples should be followed and obeyed, about faith that believers should have, the importance of the church, the Holy Spirit, just to name a few of the subjects written about. The history of early Christianity and the church can be found throughout the Letters.

Bible verses will be listed below that are written in some of Paul’s Letters. Other verses next week will be listed in the books not listed in this week’s books. All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible.


Bible Verses: Romans: Chapter 1, verses 16-25; chapter 5, verses 1-5; chapter 8, verses 9-11; and 15-17; Chapter 10, verse 9; chapter 12, verses 1-8; 1st Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 26-31; chapter 2, verses 9-10; Chapter 10, verses 12-13; chapter 12, verses 4-11; Chapter 13, verses 1-13; chapter 16, verses 13-14. Second Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 21-22; chapter 3, verses 17-18; Chapter 5, verses 16-21. Chapter 6, verses 14-18; Chapter 12, verses 5-10.

Posted 110 weeks ago


January 1, 2023: Dear Friends, Happy New Year to you and your family and friends. As we look forward to the new year, there may be thoughts of good times and happiness, as well as thoughts of challenges that we may be facing as we progress through the year. Just be aware that the Lord God, our Father, through his Holy Spirit, (1st Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 16), is with us at all times, guiding and leading us as we progress through life. There are Bible verses throughout the Bible that tell us God loves us, that he is with us and that he has compassion for us. Verses will be listed below that tell us about God being with us in our lives.

This blog is written to help those who want to learn and understand the Bible. References will be made to blogs written in the last year that provided information that will help one who is striving to learn the Bible. Reviewing this list will give the title and the dates the blogs were written so that one can return to specific blogs to reinforce what has been previously learned in the knowledge and understanding of the Bible. These blogs can be found by going to keeganbooks.com and selecting “blog”.

TOPICS OF BLOGS 2022                                                                                 (1).  Learning about God: ½/22 thru 3/6/22.                                             (2).  Humanity of Jesus, an in-depth study                                                          of Jesus Christ: 2/20/22 thru 4/17/22.                                            (3). Learning and Knowing the Bible:4/24/22 thru 7/31/22                              Names and Locations of the books of the Bible.                                        How to search for and find specific Bible verses                                         to read and study.                                                                                               How to understand how the books of the Bible are related.      (4)   Important People and Events written about                                                in the Bible: 8/7/22 to 11/23/22.                                                                     Old Testament study completed.                                                                   Incomplete study of the New Testament due to time                                limitations infringing on the Advent Season. The important                   events of the New Testament will be continued next week.                  (5). Advent Season; 12/4/22 thru 12/25/22.                                                                                            

Bible verses will be listed below that focus on God being with us wherever we are. Contemplate on that one fact: “God is with us wherever we are.” Place the thought that “God is with me” in your mind the second you awake each morning, and throughout the day and, at night, before you go to sleep. Being a believer in God, and knowing that God is with you through his Holy Spirit, will give you that peace, confidence, and strength needed as you progress through the everyday experiences of life. The saying “May God Be With You” should be changed to “God is with you.”  


Bible Verses: Exodus, chapter 33, verse 14; Deuteronomy, chapter 31, verse 6; Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9;Psalm, chapter 23, verse 4 and chapter 46, verse 1; Isaiah, chapter 41, verses 10 and 13; Jeremiah, chapter 33, verse 3; Zephaniah, chapter 3, verses 17-18; Matthew, chapter 1, verse 23; Matthew, chapter 28, verse 20, 1st Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 16; Hebrews, chapter 13, verses 5-6.

Posted 111 weeks ago


December 25, 2022: Dear Friends, Today is Christmas Day, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior, that occurred on that special day in history more than 2,000 years ago. What a gift we received from God when God sent his son, Jesus, “…. for he will save his people from their sins,” as written in Matthew, chapter 1, verse 21. All of Jesus’ life has been written in the gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the New Testament of the Bible, and tells us about Jesus, how he came “…… that they may have life and have it abundantly,” as written in John, chapter 10 verse 10. In the gospel books of the Bible, guidance is constantly being delivered by Jesus to his followers as he went “……throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people….” as written in Matthew, chapter 4, verse 23. 

In John, chapter 8, verses 31-32, it is written, “Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”  Note that Jesus was talking to those who “believed in him.” This freedom that Jesus mentions begins when one learns to believe in Jesus as written in John, chapter 3, verse 16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  Believing and obeying Jesus, the words and actions he taught and the examples he left for us to follow, leads us away from sin, from guilt, from shame and misery, that occurs when we disobey him and his teachings. Jesus directs us in John, chapter 14, verse 15, to obey when he said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments;” and in John, chapter 15, verse 10, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.”

Savor that feeling of love and grace as we celebrate the gift God has given us, his son, Jesus Christ. Spending time reading and studying Jesus’ life in the gospel books will bring increased understanding and knowledge of Jesus, increasing belief and faith in him. Consider choosing one of the gospel books and read a chapter a day. See above for the names of the gospel books.

 Verses will be listed below that will focus on some of Jesus’ teachings. Spend some time contemplating on what is being read so a deeper understanding of Jesus can be had.

                      MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!                                           MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!     

BIBLE VERSES: Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible. The Sermon on the Mount. Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7. Verses about freedom: John, chapter 8, verses 31-32, and verses 34-36; Obedience: Luke, chapter 11, verse 28; John, chapter 14, verses 21; 23 and 24; Romans, chapter 6, verses 17-18; 2nd John, chapter 1, verse 6. Teachings through Parables: Luke, chapter 10, verses 30-37; chapter 15, verses 3-7; verses 8-10; verses 11-31; Luke, chapter 18, verses 1-8; verses 9-14. Definition of the word Parable: “A short simple story teaching a moral lesson.” Webster’s New World Dictionary.

Posted 112 weeks ago


December 18, 2022: Dear Friends: Welcome to this blog that focuses on helping anyone who might want to learn and understand the Bible. Timewise, we are in the Advent season, that time set aside before Christmas, to prepare and await the coming or our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, being born on Christmas Day. 

Today is considered the 4th Sunday of Advent, recognizing the word ‘LOVE’ to be used to honor the Christ child. The other words associated with Advent include the word “HOPE” for the first Sunday in Advent, the word ‘’PEACE’’ for the second Sunday in Advent, and the word “JOY’’ for the third Sunday in Advent. 

Last week’s blog focused on the words, HOPE AND PEACE. This week’s blog will focus on the words JOY AND LOVE. Specific Bible verses will be listed that are written about these particular words. Reflect on each verse that the words are listed to experience a deeper meaning and understanding of each of these words as we prepare and await for the Christ Child to be born.

The word joy has been described as a deep feeling of happiness and contentment that occurs when something is received, usually unexpectately, bringing a sudden change in awareness in thinking caused by the event or occurrence. The word love can have different meanings depending on the object of love, love for a family member, a partner, friend, teacher, object. Generally love is a feeling of affection for someone or something that brings feelings of belonging and happiness to the one that is feeling love. 

Think about the words, JOY and LOVE. What a joyful and loving relationship we can have with God, the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit within us allows us to be saturated with the joy and love that is given to us as we worship our Lord. Through reading and studying his word, the Holy Bible, obeying his commands and accepting his guidance, and consistently communicating to him through prayer and meditation, our relationship will grow in bringing him nearer and closer to us as written in James, chapter 4, verse 8 where it is written, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”

Next Sunday, December 25th is Christmas Day, a day of celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. Spend this week meditating on God’s words of all four words, (refer to last week’s blog for Bible study on Hope and Peace) Joy and Love in verses listed below.


BILBE VERSES: JOY: John, chapter 15, verses 1-11; Matthew, chapter 25, verse 21; Psalm, chapter 27, verse 6 and Psalm 100, verses 1-5; Isaiah, chapter 35, verse 10. Proverbs, chapter 15, verse 23; Romans, 14, verse 17 and chapter 15, verse 14. Hebrews, chapter 12, verses 1- 2.       LOVE: Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verses 4-9; Matthew, chapter 22, verses 34-40, John, chapter 3, verse 16; John, chapter 13, verse 1; 1st Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 1-13, (The “Love’’ Chapter), 1st John, chapter 2, verses 3-6; and chapter 4, verses 12-23.

Posted 113 weeks ago


December 11, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog that will help in learning and knowing the Bible. The purpose of this blog is to teach one how to learn the names and locations of the books of the Bible, how to search for Bible verses to help in learning and studying the Bible, and how to learn and understand how the books of the Bible are related. Go to the website above left to study a series on learning the Bible, beginning with the blog written on April 17, 2022, and progressing forward through each blog until the blog written on June 27, 2022, is read, to learn how to use and study the Bible.

We are currently in the Advent season, that time of the year when we are preparing for and dwelling on the coming of the Christ child, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Christmas day. Refer to last week’s blog to gain knowledge about Advent and what is wanted from us as we prepare for Christ’s birth. Keep in mind that Christ was born in the year 6 BCE, approximately 2 years before the death of King Herod in 4 BCE. King Herod had been pursuing every child 2 years of age or younger after the wise men sought King Herod’s help in finding the child who had been defined as being “The King of the Jews.” Go to Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1-23, to read about this story that occurred when Jesus was an infant child.

In last week’s blog, information was provided that defined specific characteristics of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that were honored on the Sundays occurring during the Advent Season. The words, HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE, refer to feelings that are imparted to the believer and follower of Jesus in the process of growing in faith and belief in him. Bible verses written on hope and peace will be listed below to study. In next week’s blog, the words Joy, and Love, will be written about. Again, spend time this week contemplating and evaluating your faith and belief in the Christ child, Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                      MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                      BIBLE VERSES:    HOPE: Mark, chapter 9 verses 1-8; John, chapter 4, verses 1-30: 1st Peter, chapter 1, verse 13; 1st Peter, chapter 5, verse 10; Colossians, chapter 1, verse 27; Ephesians, chapter 1, verses 17-21.      PEACE: John, chapter 14, verse 27. John, chapter 16, verse 33; Romans, chapter 5, verse 1; Ephesians, chapter 2, verses 14-16; and Colossians, chapter 1, verses 19-20.

Posted 114 weeks ago


December 4, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this blog, “KNOWING YOUR BIBLE,” We are now in Advent Season, that time set aside for preparing and waiting for the birth of the Christ Child, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The celebration of Advent has been a custom that has passed down through the years and is recognized and observed by most Christian churches. The time of Advent usually extends for four Sundays, with the beginning of Advent on the last Sunday of November. Each Sunday has a special focus involving what Jesus stands for and gives to each one that believes and follows him. For instance, the first Sunday the emphasis is on HOPE; the second Sunday, PEACE; the third Sunday, JOY, and the fourth Sunday, LOVE.                              

This year, Advent started on November 27 and will extend through Christmas Day. During this time of preparation and waiting, one should reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ life, what his purpose was, how faith and belief in him influences each of our lives, and what Jesus actually means to each of us. Contemplation on Jesus Christ will provide a deeper understanding of Jesus that will strengthen our faith and belief in him.

Fulfillment in the knowledge of Jesus will bring that hope, peace, joy, and love into our lives that increases our faith and saturates our inner-most thought processes with the love of Jesus. Experiencing within our very being, our heart and soul, the very love that Jesus has for us, brings us such hope, peace, and joy into our lives.

To fulfill ourselves with the knowledge of Jesus, spend time studying consistently about Jesus through Bible reading and study. Jesus’ birth, life, death by crucifixion, and resurrection can be found in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament. During this Advent time, during the time of preparing and waiting for Jesus’ birth, spend time reading and learning about Jesus through reading in any of the books listed above. The story of his birth can be found in Matthew and in Luke. Verses will be listed below on Jesus’ birth.                         

               MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK                      Bible Verses: Matthew, chapter 1, verses 18 through chapter 2; and Luke, chapter 1 through chapter 2, verse 40.

I again want to thank you for your prayers for my son Pat. He is much improved, He is home from the hospital. He still has some challenges on his road to recovery from cardiac bypass surgery. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery. Your prayers have meant the world to Pat and to me. Thank you again.

Posted 115 weeks ago


November 23, 2022: Dear Friends, Thank you for your continued support in folling this blog. As has been mentioned several times, the purpose of this blog is to provide information in how to study and learn the Bible. 

In 2nd Timonthy, chapter 3, verses 16 and 17 is written by the Apostle Paul these words, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”  The Bible, God’s Holy Word to all who read or listen as it is being read, has been recognized by many as the most important book ever written. 

For millions of its readers, the Bible has been a source of information that has provided continued guidance and wisdom on how to live and make decisions while progressing through life. Once one begins to want to learn the Bible, an inward desire to want to learn and know more and more about the Bible begins. Thoughts about the Bible may begin to dwell in the inner-most-thought- processes of the mind, leading one to take action through seeking resources that will help in gaining in  knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

A series of blogs that will teach one specific teaching tools to learn the Bible can be found by going to the website, keeganbooks.com. Find the blog section on the website. Go to the blog written on 4/24/22, to begin studying on learning the Bible. Read that blog and progress forward, blog by blog, to the blog written 6/27/22 to complete this study on learning to use the Bible. In the process of studying these blogs, one will gain the knowledge necessary to begin reading and studying the Bible. 

Recently, a series that started on August 4, 2022, has been written on learning about important people and events in the Bible. This series’ purpose was to bring knowledge to its readers and to provide a broader perspective in understanding the Bible. Because we are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, we will pause from the current series and contemplate on Thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving is a special day that is honored and set aside to give thanks to God for all he has given to us, all the many areas of our lives, family, church, friends, co-workers, our careers, jobs, the list can go on and on.  Many may want to write a list of the gifts of life given to us to have available to read during  devotional and meditation times. Take this thanksgiving time to think about what we are thankful and grateful for, Let the experience of feeling joy during these moments of thankfulness and graditude saturate into the inner processes of the soul. 

MAY GOD BLESS YOU DURING THIS THANKSGIVING TIME!                  BIBLE VERSES: Taken from the book of Psalm: (Psalm : praises, refers to instrumental music and the words accompanying music.) Psalm: chapter 100, verses 1-6, my favorite); Chapters in Psalm chapters 90-106; Pchapters 107-118. Psalm 139-150.)   

Posted 117 weeks ago


November 13, 2022: Dear Friends. Welcome to this weekly blog on learning and “KNOWING YOUR BIBLE”. Many blogs have been written in this blog program that will help one learn to understand and know the Bible. Go to last week’s blog by going to the website: keeganbooks.com to obtain information on a previous series written on specific instructions on learning the Bible, and discussion that is related to this week’s blog written on the book of Acts.

The current series during the past few weeks has focused on important people and events that are written about in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Again, feel free to review this series of blogs that were begun on August 4th, 2022, and has been continued through today’s blog. Go to the website listed above to review this very helpful series in giving a broad perspective of what has been written throughout the Bible.

In this week’s discussion, we will continue our study on Acts with a description about what has been written in Acts. Acts is the history book of the New Testament. The book was written by Luke, a physician who also wrote the Gospel book of Luke. The book of Acts focuses mainly on the formation of the early Christian Churches. The events written about in Acts cover an approximate timetable from approximately 27 AD to 67AD. See below as continuation of this study begins after chapters 6 and 7 that were the last chapters listed to read and study in last week’s blog.


Bible Verses: Persecution of the early church: Chapter 8. The story of Sauls’s conversion with his name change from Saul to Paul. Chapter 9, verses 1-30. The growth of the early church, Act’s chapter 9, verse 31. Peter’s ministry, chapter 9, verses 32-43, chapters 10, 11, and 12; and King Herod’s persecution of church leaders, and his death: Chapter 12 verses 1-23.

I want to thank you for your prayers for my son, Pat. Pat is much better from his heart surgery. He is now home and continues to progress. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery.

Posted 118 weeks ago


November 6, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to KNOWING YOUR BIBLE, a weekly blog that helps in learning and understanding the Bible. As has been discussed in previous blogs, the Bible is God’s Holy Word to all who read or listen as the Bible is being read. To help in learning and understanding the Bible, several series on specific topics have been written in this blog that provide knowledge and guidance for those that strive to learn the Bible. 

How to read and study the Bible can be somewhat confusing as one strives to learn the Bible. The Bible has 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament, for a total of 66 books. Each book has one or more authors, with all the books having been written several years, or several hundreds of years apart. Many, especially new Bible readers, have difficulty in understanding how the Bible books are related. For instance, as an example, how does a book in the New Testament, for instance, Ephesians, relate to the book of Hosea in the Old Testament?

A series of blogs were written from April 24 to July 10, 2022, that provide the guidance and direction that is needed to learn how to know and study the Bible. The series covers several topics including how to learn and know the names and locations of the Bible books (This helps in knowing how to search for specific Bible verses to read and study); how the Bible books are organized; the timeline of when the events written about in the books occurred or when the book was written; and specific geographic sites that transverse through the books that allow for a better understanding of how the books of the Bible are related. Return to these blogs listed above by going to the website, keegan books.com, to learn how to study and learn the Bible.

Our current series which was written beginning on August 7th, 2022, has focused on learning about important people and events in the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. The discussion in the last 3 weeks has centered on the New Testament with the focus on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is considered the most important person in the entire Bible.  His birth, life, death by crucifixion, and resurrection, are recorded in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the New Testament. Return to the last 3 blogs to review and contemplate on Jesus, our Lord and Savior. 

Important people and events written in the other books of the New Testament will be written about in the future weeks. This week’s focus is on the book of Acts. Acts was written by the physician Luke who also wrote the gospel book of Luke. Acts is the “History” book of the New Testament. Because of the importance of the book, some time will be spent in the next few weeks, reading and studying portions of the book. Specific people and events written will be highlighted. All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NSR) Version of the Bible. 


BIBLE VERSES: Read the chapters listed:  Chapter 1-The ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Chapter 2: The day of Pentecost, the coming and presence of the Holy Spirit into the world. Chapters 2, 3 and 4: The disciple, Peter preaching about Jesus Christ. The disciple Peter’s ministry and the beginning of Christianity in the world. Chapter 6-7: The story of Stephen and his ministry; his being stoned to death by the Romans led by Saul, later to be called Paul. The study of the book of Acts will be continued next week.    Thank you for your Prayers for my son Pat. Please pray this week for my son Pat’s recovery from cardiac bypass surgery. He is slowly recovering and needs your prayers. Your prayers are very much appreciated.          

Posted 120 weeks ago


October 29, 2022:  Dear Friends, Today’s discussion will continue with our focus on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Studying the life of Jesus has been part of a series on important people and events that are written in the Bible. Next week, the series will continue with discussions on other important people and events that are written in the New Testament. 

In the current focus on Jesus, the topics have included his birth in Bethlehem, his life of ministry through teaching and healing, his humanity, being human as we are, with specific verses listed to help in learning and understanding who Jesus is. Refer to these blogs beginning on the blog written October 3 and progressing to today’s blog.

Today’s discussion will be on Jesus’ death through crucifixion and his resurrection. This is a complicated event the happened that is difficult to understand by most. Studying Jesus’ life will help in understanding that Jesus’ death occurred to pay for our sins that we have done during our lives, This allows for our sins to be forgiven and a belief in Jesus to occur. Believing and accepting Jesus as our Savior saves us from our sins and gives us a new life. Jesus said in Mark, chapter 10 verse 45, “I came not to be served but to serve and be made a ransom for many.” And in John, chapter 10, verse 10 is written: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

There are many verses written throughout the Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in the New Testament that tell of Jesus’ life, death by crucifixion and resurrection. These verses help explain his purpose of being sent by God  “…for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew chapter 1 verse 21. Perhaps the most beloved Bible verse that many know or have heard is found in John, chapter 3, verse 16, that is written, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only beloved son, that whoever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life.” 

The word “Gospel” has been defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as “The teachings of Jesus and the Apostles;” and “anything proclaimed and accepted as the absolute truth.” As a follower of Jesus, choose one of the Gospel books (see above) to read and study about Jesus. Matthew, Mark and Luke are similar in writings, while the book of John’s writings appear to focus more into Jesus’ teachings.  Selecting one of the first three gospel books along and the book of John may give a broader understanding of who Jesus is, what he stands for and how his teachings influence our thinking and our lives as written In Acts, chapter 16, verse 30: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They answered, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” 

Bible verses will be listed below that tell of Jesus’ crucifixion and death, and his resurrection. Spend some time reading and contemplating on these verses. All verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible.


Bible verses: Matthew, chapter 26, verses 47 through Matthew, 28, verse 20.       Mark, chapter 14, verse 32 through chapter 16, verse 20. Luke, chapter 22, verse 39 through chapter 24; and John, chapter 18, through chapter 21.

Please pray for my son, Pat, this week. He is in critical condition following bypass surgery. Pat and I thank you and appreciate your prayers very much.

Posted 120 weeks ago

KNOWING YOUR BIBLE October 22, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to KNOWING YOUR BIBLE, a weekly blog that provides information on how to learn and know the Bible. The Bible, God’s Holy Word to its readers, has, for many years, been thought of as the most important book in the world. When one begins to gain knowledge and understanding through reading and studying  the Bible, a new life in God is discovered. Learning and gaining insight into God’s guidance and wisdom that is written throughout the books of the Bible, will bring new and acceptable ways of thinking. Thoughts and actions, are influenced by Bible reading and studying. Knowing the Bible helps when facing challenges of life, bringing peace and serenity into the inner-most-thought processes of the mind.     The basic lessons on learning and knowing the Bible can be found by going to a special guidance section of this blog, beginning with the April 24, 2022 blog. The series continues weekly and progresses forward to the final blog in the series on June 27, 2022.  Go to the website, keegan books.com, to read and study the blogs in this series to help in learning and knowing the Bible. The more the Bible is read, the more one draws nearer and closer to God as written in James, chapter 4, verse 8.                           As we continue our study of important people in the New Testament, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is considered the most important person in the Bible. Bible verses can be found in the Old Testament that tells of the coming of Jesus Christ, as the Messiah. Verses are written throughout the New Testament that tell of Jesus including in the Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, that dwell on Jesus’ birth, life, death on the Cross, and resurrection. Reading about Jesus will further enhance knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is, what his life is about, and what he represents to the world.    Our focus in this blog will continue to be on Jesus Christ with a discussion on how Jesus taught his followers in his teachings, as written in Matthew, chapter 4, verse 23: “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom.” Jesus taught by teaching direct words about what he was trying to teach as compared to teaching through parables. A parable has been described as “ a short, simple story teaching a moral lesson”(a).  Jesus told many parables during his teaching ministry.    Other ways Jesus taught include providing examples of how to think or act in various circumstances as written in John, chapter 13, verses 14-15: “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. for I have set you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. And again, in  the book of John, chapter 15, verse 12, is written: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” There are many verses in the Gospel books that tell of Jesus’ teachings. Some of these verses will be listed below that illustrate how Jesus taught his followers to follow in his ways and commandments. May God Bless Your Bible Study This Week!  Bible verses: Teaching direct ideas and providing examples to his followers: The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew chapters 5,6, and 7, chapter 10, verses 1-40; chapter 11, verses 21-30; chapter 25, verses 34 -40. Luke, chapter 9, verses 23-27 and chapter 11, verses 33-35. Parables: Luke, chapter 8, verses 4-16; chapter 10, verses 29-37; chapter 11, verses 5-8; chapter 15, verse 1-32. Please pray for my son Pat who is in critical condition following cardiac bypass surgery. Your prayers are very much appreciated.          (a) Webster’s New World Dictionary.

Posted 122 weeks ago


October 9, 2022: Dear Friends, In this week’s blog, our series on important people in the Bible will be continued. Last week, the series began a discussion of important people in the New Testament. Review the blog written last week to bring forth that which was written to help in understanding this series of blog discussions.

In our discussion in this series of important people in the New Testament, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the most important person in the entire Bible, is being focused on. As previously mentioned, the life and death of Jesus Christ are written about in the first 4 books of the New Testament, the “Gospel” books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Choose one of these books and begin reading a chapter or two a day, as time allows, to correlate what is being written in the blogs with what has been written in the gospel book being read.

Last week, verses on Jesus’ birth, on his life of teaching and healing, and verses consisting of “The Sermon on the Mount” were listed to search for and read to learn about Jesus Christ. This week verses will be listed that will emphasize Jesus as a human being, experiencing all aspects of humanity, just as each of us are human and experience human characteristics. Many think Jesus was a spirit but he was actually a person, a human being that lived among us on earth as God’s only son, teaching us, healing us, and leading and guiding us to follow in his footsteps. By folllowing and obeying Jesus’ ways and commandments, our lives are saved from sin as written in Matthew, chapter 1, verse 21 that says, “She shall bear a son and you shall name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.” And in John, chapter 3, verse 16, it is written, ”For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life, and in Acts, chapter 16, verses 30-31, is written “Then he brought them outside and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.”

As reading and understanding of the Bible progresses, consider attending church classes or visiting with a minister or a teacher of a church to discuss questions that may arise when reading the Bible.  “To be saved” is a topic that needs to be shared with someone that can explain in more detail the process of “salvation”


BIBLE VERSES: Tiredness, REST: Mark, chapter 6, 31B; Matthew, chapter 8, verses 23-27; John, chapter 4,,verses 4-6; SADNESS:  John, chapter 11, verses 1-6, and verses 28-37. Luke, chapter 11, verses 11-17. COMPASSION: Matthew, chapter 9, verse 36b; Matthew, chapter 14, verses 14-21; Matthew, chapter 15: 32; Mark, chapter 1, verses 40- 41; Mark, chapter 6, verses 34-42; Luke, chapter 7, verse 13. FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHERS: Luke, chapter 10, verses 38-42; Luke, chapter 11, verse 37; John, chapter 2, verses 1-12; Mark, chapter 6, verses 30-32; A TIME TO BE ALONE BY HIMSELF: Mark chapter 1, verse 35; Luke, chapter 6, verses 45-47; WORK: John, chapter 4, verse 9;Luke, chapter 22, verses 38-42. There are other verses in the Gospel books that describe Jesus’ humanity, but because of time and space, no further listing of verses will be done in this blog.  

Go to the website, keeganbooks.com to find blogs that help in learning the Bible. A series of blogs written between April 24 and June 27, 2022, will provide information on learning and “Knowing Your Bible”. Spend some time on each blog to help in gaining knowledge in using and studying the Bible.

This author has written a book, AS CHRIST IS MY EXAMPLE, that provides scriptural examples that Jesus left for us to follow as written in John, chapter 13, verse 16,,that says, “For I have set you an example, that you should do as I have done for you.” This book provides much knowledge about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Consider going to the website, keeganbooks.com to read a review on this book.

Posted 123 weeks ago


October 3, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this blog titled “Knowing Your Bible” which has been written almost weekly since 2016. The emphasis of this blog is to help in learning and knowing the Bible. The Bible is God’s “Holy Word” to its readers with each book written with God inspiring the author as to what to write. This is verified in the Bible verses written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 that says, ”All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. Another scripture written with similar emphasis is found in 2nd Peter, chapter 1, verses 20-21 that says, “First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter on one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. 

In studying and learning the Bible, realization that one is being spoken to by God through the words of the Bible will help strengthen faith and belief, drawing one nearer and closer to God. In James, chapter 4, verse 8 it is written, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” And again, emphasized in Peter’s writings, in 1st Peter chapter 1, verses 15 and 16 is written “Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”

Our current series began on August 7 and is being continued through today. The focus of this series has been learning about different people written about in the Bible. The location in which Bible book and chapter, the person written about can be located in, is an important part of the purpose of studying this series. Learning about important people in the Bible broadens perspective as we grow in learning and knowing the Bible.  The series that discussed several important people in the Old Testament of the Bible was completed last week. Go to the blog above left and return to the August 7th blog, Progress through each blog leading to today’s blog, to review and contemplate on this series.  

In this blog, the series will focus on important people in the New Testament. Jesus Christ, son of God, our Holy Lord and Savior, will be discussed this week. As previous mentioned in a past blog, Jesus Christ is the most important person in the Bible. He is considered the center of all written words in the Bible, either directly or nondirectly. In Matthew, chapter 1 is written in verse 21 is written, “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”. And in John, chapter 1, verses 3b through verse 5 is written, “….what has come into being in him was life, and the life was the life as the light of the world. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” 

Because the study of Jesus Christ will be extensive, selection of specific ideas and information will be selected that will help guide our journey for learning and understanding of Jesus in this series. Jesus’ birth, life, death through crucifixion and resurrection, can be found in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the New Testament. The word “Gospel” refers to Jesus’ teachings. Bible verses will be listed below that will begin our study of our Lord and Savior. Search and read these verses a few, each day, to learn about Jesus.         MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!

Bible verses: Jesus’ birth: Matthew, chapter 1, verse 18 through chapter 2. Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-40; The life of Jesus was written about in each of the Gospel books listed above. Teaching and Healing composed most of how Jesus lived his life serving the Lord God and people: Matthew, chapter 4, verses 23-25; Matthew, chapter 9, verses 1-37; Teaching: The Sermon on the Mount: Jesus went to a mountain on the northern edge of the sea of Galilee and through a very informative sermon, taught some of his most important lessons as written in Matthew, chapter 5, 6, and 7. 

Go to the website keeganbooks.com. to find blogs that help in learning the Bible. A Series of blogs were written to help in learning the Bible beginning on the April 24, 2022, blog and progressing forward to the June 27 blog. Read and study these blogs to help in learning and knowing the Bible.

This writer has written a book, “AS CHRIST IS MY EXAMPLE”, that provides scriptural examples that Jesus Christ left for us to follow as written in John, chapter 13, verse 15 that said, “For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done for you.” This book provides much knowledge about our Lord and Savior. Consider going to the website: keeganbooks.com, to read a review of the book. Have a Great week!

Posted 124 weeks ago


September 25, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog that focuses on learning and knowing the Bible. Over the past few weeks, the focus of this blog has been learning about important people written in the Bible. Where in the Bible, the writings about the particular person or persons written about can be located, allows learning about the person who can be searched for and studied. There was no blog written last week due to an overloaded schedule. Our study about important people in the Bible will be continued in this week’s study.

This series on learning about important people  written about in the Bible began on August 7th and continued through September 10th. Return to these blogs by going to the website above left to review and contemplate on several key important people that have been discussed in this series, Please note that the blogs written in this series have correlated with the Bible books, Genesis through Ecclesiastes of the Old Testament. Remember as studying is progressing, emphasis has included the listing of the organization of the books of the Old Testament, from the Law Books, Genesis through Deuteronomy: the History Books, Joshua through Esther: and the Wisdom Books, Job through Ecclesiastes. In this blog, the discussion will be on the Prophet books, from Isaiah through Malachi..

When contemplating on the prophets and the books they wrote or were written about, remember to take into account that most of the prophet’s writings prophesized the future of what was going to happen or had already happened in Isarel. The prophet books were written in the 700′s BCE to the 400′s BCE. Keep in mind that the prophet whose name is the name of the prophet book is important in the overall study of the Bible. 

To become familiar with each of the prophets, spend some time reading and studying the prophet books in the next few weeks. As an example, reading any of the following prophet books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Micah, and Jonah, will bring perspective and understanding about the people, times and happenings written about in the Old Testament. 

 Upon completion of this week’s study, some of the important people written about in the Old Testament have been discussed in this series. Just as a reminder, there are several more important people written about in the Old Testament, that have not been included in this series because of time and space limitations.

In the next few weeks, our study will be on important people in the New Testament. Jesus Christ is the most important person written about in the Bible and in the New Testament. A series on important events that were written about in the Old and New Testaments will begin after completion of our study of important people in the New Testament. 

For those who are trying to learn how to use and read the Bible, there is a series written between April 24, to the end of June, 2022, that gives important information and instruction in learning the Bible. Go to the website, www. keeganbooks.com and enter in the blog section. Return to those dates listed above, beginning with the April 24 blog and study and contemplate on the blogs written between April 24 through June, to learn and know the Bible.


 and 7.

Posted 125 weeks ago

KNOWING YOUR BIBLE: September 10, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing the Bible. The focus of recent blogs has been a series on important people and events that are written about in the Bible. This series was started on August 7 and has continued through today’s blog. Return to the August 7th blog and spend time reviewing and contemplating on what has been written in this series of blogs dated August 7th through August 28th. Search and read the Bible verses listed with each blog to gain an understanding of where in the Bible the people and, or, the events written in this series, are located. Knowledge of this information will broaden understanding and usage of the Bible as one strives to learn and know the Bible. In this week’s discussion, the focus will be on King Solomon, King David’s son, and the heir of the throne after King David died in 970 BCE. King Solomon has been considered one of the wisest men in the Bible. Some 900 years later, in approximately 27 ad, Jesus described Solomon in one of his teachings in Matthew, chapter 6, verses 28-29 by saying, “And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil or spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.” And in Matthew, chapter 12, verse 42, Jesus again talked about Solomon when he said,” The queen of the south will rise up at the judgement with this generation and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and see, something greater than Solomon is here.” Jesus Christ, son of God, our Lord and Savior, the wisest man written about in the Bible, is himself talking about probably the second wisest man in the Bible, King Solomon. The study of King Solomon’s life can be found in the following Bible verses: 1st Kings, chapters 1 thru 11 and 2nd Chronicles, chapters 1 through 9.(Kings and Chonicles are found in the history books of the Old Testament.) King Solomon wrote 3 books of the Old Testament of the Bible, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon. These books are located in the Poetry/ Wisdom books of the Old Testament. Reading one chapter of Proverbs a day over a month’s time would be a good way to begin learning to study the Bible. When reading and studying the Bible, highlight or underline meaningful verses so when returning to reread and study, the verses can be readily found. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!

Posted 127 weeks ago


September 4, 2022: Dear Friends, The purpose of this blog is to provide teaching information that will help in learning and understanding the Bible. The current series of blogs is focusing on important people and events that are written about in the Bible. Go to the August 7th blog and progress through to the August 28 blog to review and contemplate on people and events that have been written about. 

Often when reading and studying the Bible, the specific name of a person or an event might be written about in later books written several hundred years after the person or event had been written about originally in the earlier books. Knowing where to find the original place in the Bible where the person or event was written about will provide a broader knowledge and understanding of the person or event being discussed in a latter book of the Bible.  

Today’s focus will be on an important person in the Bible, King David, the second king to reign in Isarel after Isarel became a country. King David lived from 1040 BCE to 970 BCE. Information written on his life can be found in the history books of the Old Testament, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings and 1st Chronicles. Some of the prose written on David’s life has been rewritten in one or more of the above history books. 

Specific Bible verses on King David’s life written in the history books will be listed below. Scan through long passages of the scriptures listed, focusing on important and interesting happenings and events as discerned through studying the life of King David. Most Bibles have short wordings at the top of each page,  to give the reader information on what is written on the page. This can be helpful to know when scanning for important information to be read in Bible study.

              MAY YOUR BIBLE STUDY BE BLESSED THIS WEEK!                   Bible verses: 1st Samuel, chapter 16, verses 1-23 and chapters 2 through chapter 31 in 1st Samuel, and 2nd Samuel, chapter 1 through chapter 2 verse 12; 1st Kings, chapter 1 through chapter 2, verse 12. 1st Chronicles, chapter 10, verse 13 through chapter 29.                   King David is listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, written in Matthew, chapter 1, verses 1-17.                                                                King David has been credited with writing more than half of the 150 Psalms written in the book of Psalm. In most Bibles, the writer’s name of each Psalm is written below the listing of the chapter number. In this way identification of David as the writer of the Psalm can be found. 

Posted 128 weeks ago

KNOWING YOUR BIBLE August 28, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing the Bible. In this current series, the focus is on where in the Bible is written about important people and events that are so often discussed in different Bible study classes, sermons, and other teaching programs. Learning about some of the important biblical people and events will help to increase knowledge and understanding of the Bible. By using the word “important”, reference is made on commonly known people and events that are learned about when reading and studying the Bible. The Bible verses written about these people and events was inspired by God as written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-17, that states, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.” God had a reason to inspire words about these people and events in his Holy Word so that we, as his followers, could discern what God was trying to teach in the  Bible. Return to the last 3 blogs in this series by going to keeganbooks.com, to review the blogs written in this series. Spend some time studying these blogs to help in learning and comprehending what has been written of some of the important people and events written in the first six books of the Old Testament, Genesis through Joshua.                                               In today’s blog, the focus will continue by discussing the important people and events in the books of Judges and Ruth, the seventh and eighth books of the Old Testament. Both books are considered history books. Judges covers a time period of 300 years, between approximately 1450 BCE to 1150 BCE. As the name of the book implies, the book gives information about the lives and leaderships of several of the judges who ruled in Isarel from the time of Moses in the 1400′s BCE until the reign of King Saul and King David in 1000′s BCE.  The story of Samson and Delilah can be read in Judges, chapter 13 verses 2-25; chapters 14 thru 17.                                                          The book of Ruth covers an approximate time period in the 1150 BCE era. The person, Ruth, was the center of the written prose that tells of her life as a young woman through her older years. Much of the story took place in and around Bethlehem. She was King David’s great grandmother. She bore Obed, who was the father of Jesse, who was the father of David.                                                                     Spend some time browsing through the books of Judges and Ruth. Ruth has 4 chapters and can be read quickly. As previously been discussed, the knowledge gained through reading the Bible brings one nearer and closer to God. In James, chapter 4, verse 8, is written as follows: “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” The more one reads and studies the Bible, the more knowledge and understanding of God is had. As one grows in biblical knowledge, the realization of what God is trying to teach, giving guidance and direction to our lives, becomes much more apparent, bringing us nearer and closer to God. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK.! ..

Posted 129 weeks ago


August 21, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog that focuses on learning and knowing the Bible. The series that is now being focused on discusses specific important people and events that are written about in the Bible. The purpose of this series is to help find in the books of the Bible where events that took place were written and where a specific important person or persons written about can be found to read and study about.

In the past two blogs, the important people and events have been discussed in the books of Genesis and Exodus. As mentioned previously, the other three books that are listed as the Law Books of the Bible, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, focus on commandments and laws that were written for the Israelites to follow in their daily lives. There is in the book of Numbers, chapter 34, verses 1-12  a written land description of “The Promised Land.”

Before starting on today’s lesson, another important occurrence needs to be focused on in the book of Exodus. Return to last week’s blog to review the important happenings and events that are written about in Exodus. The Ark of the Covenant, one of the most holy objects ever built, and is still being searched for here on earth some 3400 years later, was made to place God’s 2 covenant tablets in, as written in Exodus, chapter 25, verses 10-18 and Exodus, chapter 31, verse 1.

In this discussion, the event or person or persons focused on, can be read in the book of Joshua, the first book of the history books of the Old Testament. The book of Joshua is located after the book of Deuteronomy. In Joshua, the main important person written about is Joshua who is thought to be the author. The main event written in Joshua is written about Joshua leading the Israelites into “The Promised Land”, from Moab, which today is located in Southern Jordan. The Israelites crossed over the Jordan river into Israel near Jericho.  This event can be read about in Joshua, chapters 1, 2, & 3, and verse 1 of chapter 4. In these readings, the Ark of the covenant is also written about. The writings of the settlement of the Israelites in Israel can be found in Joshua, chapters 4 through chapter 24. 

Studying the book of Joshua will provide a strong foundation of knowledge of the early history of the Israelites living in Israel. As progression is made in learning the Bible, one may come across several Bible verses where references are made to the persons and events written in this series. Having knowledge of events and important people written about in the Bible will help in consolidating overall knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Spend some time this week reviewing the book of Joshua to help in continuing to learn and grow in the knowledge of the Bible.


Posted 130 weeks ago


August 14, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing the Bible. Last week, a new series was started on learning about important people and events that are written about in the Bible. Because there are hundreds of important people and events written throughout the Bible, there will be limitations on how many people and which events, will be covered in this series. However, the goal is to help one become aware of specific people and events written about, and where in the Bible in which book the person or event can be found.

In last week’s discussion, a brief history of the focus of this blog over the past few months was written. Please return to last week’s blog by going to keeganbooks.com to review and contemplate on what has been taught in these blogs. Of particular importance are the blogs written between April 24 through July 31 on learning the Bible. The information written in this series on learning the Bible will be most helpful when trying to gain knowledge and understanding of the Bible. If time allows, spend time studying each blog. As has been previously stated, many think that knowing and learning the Bible are the most important undertakings one can pursue that will positively influence thinking and ability throughout one’s life.

Last week, the discussion and Bible study was focused on the people and events written in the book of Genesis. In this first book of the Bible, verses were listed to search for and read on Abraham and his family, and on other important events including the recording of God’s creation of the world, and the study of the Noah’s ark and the flood. 

The focus of this week’s blog will be on the life of Moses and important events listed below that are written in Exodus, the second book of the Bible. Many think that the LAW BOOKS of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, were written by Moses. As will be noted, however, most of the actual recording of the life of Moses can be found in Exodus. The other law books are mainly composed of commandments and laws that were written for the Israelites to follow in their daily lives. Moses’ death is recorded In the last chapter of Deuteronomy.

Verses will be listed below on the Life of Moses, on the Israelites escaping from their slavery status in Egypt, their pilgrimage to the “Promised Land” (Israel), and the Ten commandments. Spend some time skimming through the book of Exodus to increase and add to your knowledge of the Bible.    BIBLE VERSES:    The Life of Moses: Exodus, chapters 2, 3 and 4. The escape of the Israelites from their slavery status in Egypt: Exodus, chapter 5 through chapter 14; chapter 15 verse 20. The Israelite’s pilgrimage from Egypt to the promised land, Israel: Exodus, Chapter 15, verse 22 through chapter 40. The Ten Commandments: Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-17.                            MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!

Posted 131 weeks ago


August 7, 2022: Dear Friends. Welcome to this blog on “KNOWING YOUR BIBLE.”  A new series on important events that are written about in the Bible will begin in this blog. This series will discuss specific happenings that will help increase knowledge and self-confidence when striving to learn the Bible. 

So far this year, there have been 3 series of important writings written on this blog. All blogs, either written together in a series, or in individual blogs, are based on biblical scripture with encouragement of individual interpretation of what is being read. 

The first series was focused on “Learning About God” and can be found and studied by returning to the January 2 blog and progressing through the February 6 blog. The follower should be able to learn and gain knowledge about God when reading and studying these blogs..

The second series was written during Lent, from February 13 through April 17, and focused on the humanity of Jesus Christ. Discussions in these blogs on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, should bring one nearer and closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  

The third series, which was completed last week, discussed intense, important instructions and guidance, that will help one learn to use and study the Bible. The series was written on blogs from April 24 to July 31. The follower can return to any one of these series to help in studying and learning the Bible. When reviewing and contemplating any previous blogs, take time to concentrate on what is being taught so that understanding andi knowledge of the Bible will be accomplished. Remember, the more you know about the Bible, the more you will want to know and learn about the Bible.

As we begin this series on important events that are written throughout the Bible, our focus this week will be on the book of Genesis. We will start with the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and progress week by week through to the last book of the Bible, Revelation.  Some books of the Bible may not be mentioned in this series. There may be some events not written about that others might think more important than the events mentioned in this series of blogs. Just keep in mind that when studying these blogs, one may find more and different information that is written about in outside resources that too can be helpful in learning and knowing the Bible. 

 There are at least three important happenings or events, maybe more, that is written about in the book of Genesis. Three of the events or happenings will be listed below with verses to read on each.

THE CREATION and the Story of Adam and Eve: Genesis chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4.

NOAH AND THE ARK: Genesis all of,chapter 6, beginning in verse 5,,& chapter 7, 8, & 9.

THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM AND HIS FAMILY:                                                           ABRAHAM: Genesis, chapters 12 through chapter 25.                                           Abraham’s son Isaac: Genesis, chapter 25, beginning with verse 19 through Genesis, chapter 28, verse 9.                                                                                  JACOB AND ESAU: Isaac’s twin sons: Genesis, chapter 27 through chapter 36.  THE STORY OF ISAAC’S FAMILY: Genesis, chapter 37 through chapter 50.


Posted 132 weeks ago


July 31, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this weekly edition blog that focuses on learning and knowing the Bible. The Bible is considered by many to be the most important book ever written. Knowledge of the Bible allows realization that God inspired the writers of the Bible to write what was written. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verses 16-17, that “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.” And the disciple Peter wrote in 2nd Peter, chapter 1, verse 20 that “First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” 

The Bible is God’s “Holy Word” to its readers. God’s wisdom, knowledge, guidance and teachings, are just a few of the many ideas and concepts that are woven throughout the writings in the Bible. Direction and insight are learned that influence the inner-most thought processes as one faces the challenges of everyday life.  As President Theodore Roosevelt said, ”A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” * And President Ronald Reagon said, ”Within the covers of this single book are all the answers to all the problems that face us today, if we would only look there.”*

Because the Bible contains so many books, all written by different authors over a period of hundreds of years, confusion and difficulty in understanding arises when trying to learn the Bible. The purpose of writing this blog is to present information that influences the ability to learn and know the Bible. Please go the website, keeganbooks..com, to review the current series of blogs that have focused on different aspects of learning the Bible. This series began on April 24 and has progressed forward to today’s blog. Each blog shares information, that if learned and comprehended, will help significantly in learning and understanding the Bible. Spend some time focusing on each blog, even returning to study specific blogs if needed, to help in the learning process. Once one begins to understand how the Bible is organized, and learns how to search for specific verses, the desire to learn the Bible increases and progresses. The more one learns the Bible, the more one will want to learn the Bible.   

The last few blogs have focused on words and ideas that filter through the Bible, helping to realize that there are certain words and ideas that God wants us to understand and adhere to as we progress through life. Words and ideas will be listed below with verses found in different books to help further realize how the books of the Bible are related. The books the verses are in will not be listed in the chronological order that the books are organized in the Bible, so as to give experience in searching for Bible verses. All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) version of the Bible.

This is the last blog in this series of blogs. The focus of our next series will be on specific important events that are written about in the Bible. This series should help to gain additional knowledge and understanding when interpreting what is being read in Bible study.


BIBLE VERSES: BLESSINGS: Matthew, chapter 5, verses 3-11; Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verses 7-10; 1st Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 58;2nd Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 3; Psalm 100, verses 1-5; and chapter 134, verses 1-3; Proverbs, chapter 10, verse 22; Ephesians, chapter 1, verse 3; Revelation, chapter 7, verses 11-12. Genesis, chapter 1, verses 28-30.            WORK: John, chapter 6, verse 27 and chapter 9, verse 4; Proverbs, chapter 12, verse 24 and chapter 16, verse 3; Genesis, chapter 1, verse 11; Colossians, chapter 3, verse 23; Galatians, chapter 6, verses 4-5.        REST: Matthew, chapter 11, verses 28-30; Mark, chapter 6, verse 31; Exodus, chapter 20, verses 8-11 and chapter 33, verse 14; Genesis, chapter 2, verses 1-3; Jeremaiah, chapter 6, verse 16; Psalm, chapter 91, verses 1-2 and chapter 127, verse 2; Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 9-11; Deuteronomy, chapter 5, verses 12-15.

Posted 133 weeks ago


jULY 24, 2022: Dear Friends: We are continuing our study on how to learn to use and study the Bible. Our series on learning the Bible started on April 24 and has progressed weekly through today. The purpose of this blog is to help in learning and understanding the structure and organization of the Bible books so that, through reading and studying the Bible, one can acquire the knowledge and wisdom of God as written throughout the Bible.   

Returning to the April 24 blog by going to the website, Keegan Books.com, one can begin to understand and learn the Bible. Advance forward from blog to blog, beginning with the April 24th blog, reading and studying each blog to help in learning and knowing the Bible. Some of the blogs might have to be read more than once, even all the blogs might need to be read over and over until one begins to understand and comprehend the teachings on how to learn and know the Bible. 

Once one has begun to understand the Bible, there is no stopping in learning and knowing the Bible. Even after years of reading and studying the Bible, in an instant of a second during Bible reading, more of God’s knowledge and wisdom can be grasped and internalized, causing a feeling of joy and surprise to occur in the inner recesses of the mind.

Some ideas may help in learning the Bible: (1.) Consistent Bible reading, daily or 2 to 3 times a week, is necessary in learning and understanding the Bible. (2.) Each person should have their own Bible to read and study. There are several versions of the Bible. (The New Revised Standard (NRS) Version of the Bible is used in this blog.) Asking for guidance from a minister, a family member familiar with the different versions or another church member that one may be acquainted with, can be helpful when choosing a Bible to purchase. (3.) Underlining or highlighting meaningful verses can be helpful when one might want to return to the verse or verses to read and contemplate on the meaning of what is being read. (4.) Realizing early on in Bible study the importance of learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible and learning how to search for and find specific Bible verses. Return to the blogs written May 1, May 8 and May 15, to help in learning the names and locations of the Bible books and how to search for and find specific Bible verses. (5.) Finding a quiet place, preferably being alone, when reading and studying the Bible will enhance concentration on Bible study that will influence learning of the Bible..

The focus of this blog is on continuing our study of how the Bible books are related or connected to each other. Discussion in the past few blogs has focused on how different geographic sites help relate the books of the Bible together and how different words and ideas that transverse through the Bible help bring together the words and ideas that God is trying to teach to us through his Holy Word, the Holy Bible. Return to the blogs written on July 17 to review verses on different words that help demonstrate how words and ideas can help in realizing how the books of the Bible are related or connected to each other. See verses below.


Words:                                                                                                                      STRENGTH: Bible Verses: Deuteronomy, chapter 31, verse 6l Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9: Psalm, chapter 27, verse 14; Isaiah, chapter 51, verses 7-8; Daniel, chapter 10, verse 19; Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 10-11.Colossians, chapter 1, verses 11-12;                                                                                                  PRAYER: Bible Verses: Deuteronomy, chapter 33, verses 1-29; 2nd Samuel, chapter 22, verses 1-51; 2nd Chronicles, chapter 6, verses 40 to 42 and chapter 7, verses 1-5; Psalm, chapter 92, verses 1-15; Lamentations, Chapter 3, verses 22-30, a prayer by Jeremiah;  Daniel, chapter 2, verses 20-23; Matthew, chapter 6, verses 5-15; Mark, chapter 1, verse 35; John, chapter 17, verses 1-26; Colossians, chapter 1, verses 9-10; 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 5, verses 16-18.

Posted 134 weeks ago

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