October 3, 2021: Dear Friends, In this discussion, the focus will be a continuation of our study of Abraham, his son Isaac, Isaac’s twin sons, Esau and Jacob, and lastly, the families of Esau and Jacob. This series of blogs began on August 23rd with the central focus on learning about important biblical characters that are written in the Bible. By returning to the August 23rd blog by going to the website above left, and progressing forward through the blogs written since then,the follower will receive a broader perspective in what has been written in this series of blogs.
The purpose of this topic, KNOWING YOUR BIBLE, is to help the followers of this blog learn and know the Bible. For new beginners, trying to read and understand, the Bible can be confusing and difficult when trying to learn the Bible. After all, there are 66 different books in the Bible, with each written by one or more authors, over a time period of hundreds of years. For an in-depth Bible Study on learning the Bible, return to and study the series of blogs, written between April 11 through the July 4th of this year. Spend some time on each blog to help comprehend and understand the teachings on learning the Bible.
This week’s study will continue in the book of Genesis, starting with chapter 34 and extending to the last chapter in Genesis, chapter 50. This study will complete our reading of Genesis. Again keep in mind how the story written can be compared to our lives today. Most would agree that people, through the years, have not changed in how they live and think. Situations occur in families today just like situations occurred in families in biblical times. This is one reason why reading and knowing the Bible is important. Much wisdom and knowledge can be learned through reading and studying the Bible, that is very helpful to us as we progress through our day-to-day life experiences.
Next week’s focus will begin a the study of Moses, his history and the writings of the books he has been credited to writing. May God bless you in your Bible Study this week.