December 5, 2021: Dear Friends, Today is the second Sunday in Advent. Advent has been defined as the time prior to Jesus birth on Christmas Day. During this time, Christians, world wide, focus on the coming of the Christ Child. During this waiting period, these few days before Christmas, most committed Christians concentrate on the purpose of Jesus’ life, what he stood for and believed, and what his life means to his followers.
The New Testament Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, tell about the birth, life, death by crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Choose one of these books to read and study during this Advent time. The books of Matthew and Luke tell of Jesus’ birth which is why we celebrate Christmas. These books might be perferred to use for Bible study during Advent. Time spent alone, in a quiet, peaceful area, reading, studying and contemplating on Jesus, will bring his followers to draw near and close to him. The relationship with Jesus will be nurtured and will foster spiritual growth in developing a stronger, greater faith and belief in him.
To learn more about Advent, refer to last week’s blog by going to the website above left. The Word “Hope” is associated with the first Sunday in Advent. The word “Peace” is associated with the second Sunday in Advent. Jesus brought attention to peace in the world through his examples and teachings as written in the Bible. One can be led to having peace and contentment in their lives by gaining knowledge in the ways that Jesus instructed us in his teachings. Right judgement, right thinking and right actions, lead to peace and contentment by influencing our decisions, the choices we make, who we associate with, what vocation we choose and how we live our lives. The Bible is the standard of rightness when comparing the word “right” to a standard that is correct.
Matthew, chapters 5 through 7 are referred to the “Beatitudes” with the verses being direct quotes of Jesus in his teachings to his followers during his life. Most of what Jesus said in these chapters and through his teachings throughout his ministry, was related to one’s day-by-day thinking and actions, Maybe the word beatitude has reference to the word, attitude”. Maybe our attitudes need corrected.
Besides teaching directly to his followers, Jesus also taught through the use of parables that are written in the gospel books. A parable is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a “short simple story that teaches a moral story.” Contemplating on Jesus’ parables may help in recognizing an underlying defect in character that is causing a lack of peace or contentment in our lives.
A few Bible verses related to peace and some parables will be listed below to read and study this next week as we continue to contemplate on Jesus. Remember, Jesus said in John, chapter 14, verse 26, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” MAY YOU BE BLESSED IN YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK! BIBLE VERSES: Matthew, chapter 4, verse 23; Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7; Mark, chapter 12, verses 28-34 and verses 41-44; Luke, chapter 6, verses 32-36; Luke, chapter 8, verses 11-18; Luke chapter 10, verses 29-37; Luke, chapter 11, verses 5-8′ and 33-35; Luke chapter 12, verses 13-21; Luke, chapter 15, verses 3-7; 8-10; and verses 11-32; John, chapter 8, verses 1-11; John, chapter 13, verses 3-11; and John, chapter 15, verses 1-17.