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Keegan Books

As Christ Is My Example
provides scriptural quotes that will draw you closer to Christ allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of his life here on Earth. This book is a must read for any who are searching for Christ. To purchase, please visit my website: www.keeganbooks.com


January 16, 2022:  Dear Friends, Last week’s blog was written on a different platform that was presented when logging into tumblr.com. As a result, last week’s blog was not recorded on Tumblr or on the website, keeganbooks.com.

A series had been started in the January 2 blog that focused on getting to know God better, who he is, how he thinks, and how he wants us to think and act. By reading and studying the Bible, God’s Holy Word to it’s readers, one will learn about God. After all, God was who inspired the authors of the books of the Bible on what to write. In 2nd Timothy, chapter 3, verse 16 it is written that, “All scripture is inspired by God”. Consistent Bible reading, several days a week, or every day, if time allows, will draw us nearer and closer to God, as is written in James, chapter 4, verse 8:  “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”

The January 2 blog was written about how one communicates with God through prayer. Return to that blog by going to the website above left to review and contemplate on what was written. Our focus this week will be on who God is, as written in many verses of the Bible. God is the almighty, all powerful,the creator of all the universes, the one and only God, who reigns over the world and all that lives in it. In Psalm, chapter 24, verse 1, is written: “ The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. God’s creation of the world can be read about in Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1-31. The beauty of the creation with God’s power over the earth is written about in Psalms, chapter 8, verses 1-9 and in Job, chapters 38 and 39, God, himself, describes his power over the universe.

Spend some time this week contemplating on God, the Mighty one, the eternal creator, all powerful and just. Consider the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. When studying and contemplating, allow one’s self the privilege of being alone, in a quiet, silent place, that allows the quietness of solitude to invade the mind. In this silence, the inner-most thought processes can dwell on our Almighty God, the maker of heaven and earth, helping one to draw nearer and closer to him. 

Reading the Bible and acquiring knowledge about God will help one to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth will pave the way in allowing us to perceive the presence of God with us during our quiet times as well as in our regular everyday living experiences. Learning and knowing the Bible might be the most important resource that one can use that will positively influence life’s daily decisions and actions. Strive to learn and know the Bible.

             MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!                              All Bible verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) Version of the Bible

Bible Verses: Ist Chronicles, chapter 29, verses 10-13; Jeremiah, chapter 32, verse 17; Psalm, chapter 91, verses 1-2; Psalm, chapter 145, verses 3-7; Psalm, chapter 34, verses 1-2; Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 10, Mark, chapter 10 verse 27; Roman’s, chapter 1, verse 20. Leviticus, chapter 20, verse 26; and 1st Peter, chapter 1, verses 15 and 16. Refer to and read the verses listed above in paragraph 3.

Posted 150 weeks ago

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