March 13, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing your Bible. As previously written the purpose of this blog is to help one learn and know the Bible. The Bible has often been referred to as the most important book ever written. Past Presidents of the USA have hailed the Bible comparing “Knowing the Bible” as being “equal to obtaining a college degree.” (Theodore Roosevelt). President Reagan was quoted as saying, “Within the covers of this single book, (referring to the Bible), are all the answers to all the problems that face us today, if we would only look there.” *
As we continue our study of the Bible, keep in mind that learning the Bible is a process that takes time and patience. In the past a series on specific instructions in learning the Bible has been written in this blog after Easter each year. If interested in that series now, return to the website above left and go to the April 11 through June 27, 2021, blogs, in studying to learn the Bible.
Today, as we begin the 2nd week of Lent, we will focus on a discussion about Lent. What is the meaning and purpose of Lent? Who does Lent affect? How is one affected by Lent?
Lent has been defined as a time period of 40 days, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter day, the day of the resurrection of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. This time is set aside for fasting and penitence. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, spend time in fasting and penitence. This is a time spent surveying our inner lives of wrong thinking and wrong actions that cling so closely to our everyday behavior patterns. This is a time for seeking atonement of our wrong doings, boosting our need for prayer and repentance to our Lord. Fasting from food and/or fasting from something we really like doing but that may be thought of as being wrong and considered bad actions, activities or other wrong behaviors, help foster sorrow and loss in our inner-most beings. The loss may be triggered by the thoughts of self-failure, not living up to expectations or in the actual loss of self-esteem resulting from having wrong thinking or behavior. This feeling of sorrow and loss influences us to realize the need to change. In this way we begin the process of changing from wrong to right thinking, from wrong to right actions and behaviors. .As a result of our fasting and penitence, we grow near and close to God as written in James, chapter 4, verse 8, which says: “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”.
In our next few blogs, we will continue our focus on Jesus Christ, on his life and humanity while he lived here on earth. Remember, Jesus’ birth, life, death by crucifixion and resurrection, are recorded in the Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, of the New Testament of the Bible. Consider choosing one of the Gospel books to read during Lent. Read 1-2 chapters a day two to three times a week during Lent if time allows. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK! Bible Verses: Exodus, chapter 34, verses 27-28. Nehemiah, chapter 1, verse 4; Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1-2, 2nd Chronicles, chapter 7, verse 14; Matthew, chapter 3, verse 8; Joel, chapter 2, verse 12; Luke, chapter 2, verses 36-37, Acts, chapter 13, verses 3-4; Psalm, chapter 35, verses 13-14; Luke, chapter 18, verse 12; Acts, chapter 2, verse 38. All verses are from the NRS version of the Bible. *”A Rainbow of Hope” Billy and Janice Hughey