August 14, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome to this blog on learning and knowing the Bible. Last week, a new series was started on learning about important people and events that are written about in the Bible. Because there are hundreds of important people and events written throughout the Bible, there will be limitations on how many people and which events, will be covered in this series. However, the goal is to help one become aware of specific people and events written about, and where in the Bible in which book the person or event can be found.
In last week’s discussion, a brief history of the focus of this blog over the past few months was written. Please return to last week’s blog by going to to review and contemplate on what has been taught in these blogs. Of particular importance are the blogs written between April 24 through July 31 on learning the Bible. The information written in this series on learning the Bible will be most helpful when trying to gain knowledge and understanding of the Bible. If time allows, spend time studying each blog. As has been previously stated, many think that knowing and learning the Bible are the most important undertakings one can pursue that will positively influence thinking and ability throughout one’s life.
Last week, the discussion and Bible study was focused on the people and events written in the book of Genesis. In this first book of the Bible, verses were listed to search for and read on Abraham and his family, and on other important events including the recording of God’s creation of the world, and the study of the Noah’s ark and the flood.
The focus of this week’s blog will be on the life of Moses and important events listed below that are written in Exodus, the second book of the Bible. Many think that the LAW BOOKS of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, were written by Moses. As will be noted, however, most of the actual recording of the life of Moses can be found in Exodus. The other law books are mainly composed of commandments and laws that were written for the Israelites to follow in their daily lives. Moses’ death is recorded In the last chapter of Deuteronomy.
Verses will be listed below on the Life of Moses, on the Israelites escaping from their slavery status in Egypt, their pilgrimage to the “Promised Land” (Israel), and the Ten commandments. Spend some time skimming through the book of Exodus to increase and add to your knowledge of the Bible. BIBLE VERSES: The Life of Moses: Exodus, chapters 2, 3 and 4. The escape of the Israelites from their slavery status in Egypt: Exodus, chapter 5 through chapter 14; chapter 15 verse 20. The Israelite’s pilgrimage from Egypt to the promised land, Israel: Exodus, Chapter 15, verse 22 through chapter 40. The Ten Commandments: Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-17. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!