October 3, 2022: Dear Friends, Welcome back to this blog titled “Knowing Your Bible” which has been written almost weekly since 2016. The emphasis of this blog is to help in learning and knowing the Bible. The Bible is God’s “Holy Word” to its readers with each book written with God inspiring the author as to what to write. This is verified in the Bible verses written in 2nd Timothy, chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 that says, ”All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. Another scripture written with similar emphasis is found in 2nd Peter, chapter 1, verses 20-21 that says, “First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter on one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
In studying and learning the Bible, realization that one is being spoken to by God through the words of the Bible will help strengthen faith and belief, drawing one nearer and closer to God. In James, chapter 4, verse 8 it is written, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” And again, emphasized in Peter’s writings, in 1st Peter chapter 1, verses 15 and 16 is written “Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”
Our current series began on August 7 and is being continued through today. The focus of this series has been learning about different people written about in the Bible. The location in which Bible book and chapter, the person written about can be located in, is an important part of the purpose of studying this series. Learning about important people in the Bible broadens perspective as we grow in learning and knowing the Bible. The series that discussed several important people in the Old Testament of the Bible was completed last week. Go to the blog above left and return to the August 7th blog, Progress through each blog leading to today’s blog, to review and contemplate on this series.
In this blog, the series will focus on important people in the New Testament. Jesus Christ, son of God, our Holy Lord and Savior, will be discussed this week. As previous mentioned in a past blog, Jesus Christ is the most important person in the Bible. He is considered the center of all written words in the Bible, either directly or nondirectly. In Matthew, chapter 1 is written in verse 21 is written, “She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”. And in John, chapter 1, verses 3b through verse 5 is written, “….what has come into being in him was life, and the life was the life as the light of the world. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.”
Because the study of Jesus Christ will be extensive, selection of specific ideas and information will be selected that will help guide our journey for learning and understanding of Jesus in this series. Jesus’ birth, life, death through crucifixion and resurrection, can be found in the Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the New Testament. The word “Gospel” refers to Jesus’ teachings. Bible verses will be listed below that will begin our study of our Lord and Savior. Search and read these verses a few, each day, to learn about Jesus. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK!
Bible verses: Jesus’ birth: Matthew, chapter 1, verse 18 through chapter 2. Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-40; The life of Jesus was written about in each of the Gospel books listed above. Teaching and Healing composed most of how Jesus lived his life serving the Lord God and people: Matthew, chapter 4, verses 23-25; Matthew, chapter 9, verses 1-37; Teaching: The Sermon on the Mount: Jesus went to a mountain on the northern edge of the sea of Galilee and through a very informative sermon, taught some of his most important lessons as written in Matthew, chapter 5, 6, and 7.
Go to the website to find blogs that help in learning the Bible. A Series of blogs were written to help in learning the Bible beginning on the April 24, 2022, blog and progressing forward to the June 27 blog. Read and study these blogs to help in learning and knowing the Bible.
This writer has written a book, “AS CHRIST IS MY EXAMPLE”, that provides scriptural examples that Jesus Christ left for us to follow as written in John, chapter 13, verse 15 that said, “For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done for you.” This book provides much knowledge about our Lord and Savior. Consider going to the website:, to read a review of the book. Have a Great week!