February 5, 2023: Dear Friends, Our series on important people and events written in the Bible is coming to a close with this week’s focus on the last 5 books in the New Testament, and the next 2 week’s focus on reviewing the series. Return to the last 2-3 blogs by going to to review recent information on the series.
The last 5 books in the New Testament are the books of 1st, 2nd and 3rd John, the book of Jude, and the book of Revelation. Many think that the disciple John wrote the books of John, referring to the Gospel of John, the 4th book in the New Testament. and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd book of John, and the book of Revelation located near and or at the end of the New Testament.
John was the youngest of Jesus’ disciples. It has been thought that John wrote all his books in the 90′s AD. Keep in mind that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection occurred in the 20′s. maybe early 30′s AD. Through the years the timeframe that was thought that these books were written in, has changed from year to year. Refer to Bible history books or go online to obtain more current information on the timeline of John’s writing of these books. It has also been thought that many other “Johns” might have written the “John books near and at the end of the New Testament.
Acceptance is widespread that John, the disciple of Jesus Christ wrote the Gospel, one of the most important books in the Bible. John, the disciple, was a witness to Jesus, his life, death by crucifixion, and his resurrection. The three books of John near the end of the New Testament were written in the context of clarifying and teaching the real truth about Christianity.
The book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament and of the Bible, is a complex book that is difficult for most to understand the writings that encompass the book. Again, referral to teachings of biblical scholars will help in bringing understanding of the book of Revelation.
The book of Jude, the 2nd to the last book in the New Testament, was written by Jude, who was thought to be Jesus’ half-brother. The book has one chapter and comprises writings on Christianity, and on the “last days.”
Verses will be listed below to read and contemplate on in the next week. All verses are from the New Revised Standard (NRS) Version of the Bible.
Bible Verses: 1st John, chapter 1, verses 5-9; chapter 2, verses 1-11; chapter 4, verses 7-22. 2nd John, chapter 1, verses 6-11. 3rd John, chapter 1, verses 2-4. Jude, chapter 1, verses 17-25. Revelation, chapter 2 and chapter 3; chapter 21, verses 1-8; chapter 22. verses 1-5.