Knowing Your Bible
JULY 16, 2023: Dear Friends, Today’s blog is the last blog in the series of learning the Bible by studying the organization and location of the Bible books, and learning how the Bible books are related to each other. Knowledge of this information helps in learning and knowing how to search for and find the Bible book that is being searched for to read, and understanding how the different books of the Bible are related to each other. Learning and knowing the Bible is the primary goal of the teaching of the Bible on this blog and is first and foremost in helping the follower to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Bible.
The dates and focus of the various blogs written in this series will be listed below for the follower to go back to restudy and think on the information provided. April 16, 2023: Organization of how the books are placed in the Old Testament and the New Testament. April 23, 2023: Learning the names and locations of the books of the Bible. May 1, 2023: Listing of the Old Testament and New Testament Bible books in the organization of the Bible books. May 7, 2023: the approximate timeline of when the Bible books were written or when the events occurred that were written about in a specific Bible book. The blogs mentioned above help one in learning to search for and read specific Bible verses. May 14, 2003, May 21, 2023, May 28, 2023 and June 4, 2023, blogs are each focused on how the Bible books are related by geographic sites written in the Bible. June11, 2023, June 21, 2023, June 25, 2023, and July 2, 2023 blogs all focus on specific words or ideas that transverse through several Bible books, allowing the follower to begin to realize that God is trying to teach certain words and ideas to the readers of the Bible.
The blogs can be found by continuing below to these blogs that can be found here on Spend time this week in reviewing each of these blogs, refreshing memory and provoking thinking, as one is trying to learn and know the Bible. Bible verses will not be listed in today’s blog due to the encouragement of reviewing these specific blogs this week.
Our next series will begin next week and will focus on important Bible stories that provide knowledge and understanding in learning and knowing the Bible. d The wisdom and knowledge so gained through Bible reading and studying will be with the follower all the days of his or her life. MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK